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Crosmando: It's sad because it's just one game, while there's countless amazing games on GOG that will remain unknown. It's sad because because modern mass marketing actually works and countless more people will buy Cyberpunk simply because of hype and keanu reeves.
rjbuffchix: I agree with that but I am hopeful Cyberpunk will be another masterpiece in the vein of The Witcher games (er, I'm not counting the adventure game/Thronebreaker ;)). So at least it will be more worthy of the praise than "insert AAA slop from EA here". That said, I totally know what you mean because I am constantly having discussions like this. Methodology matters. It is better for people to reach a conclusion for the right reasons, than to stumble upon it for the wrong reasons. Put another way, life is not just "ends justify the means"...the "means" matter.

To add on, if Cyberpunk raises awareness of GOG as a store, maybe more people will be receptive to DRM-free gaming and eventually come to better methodology...
Not quite, Witcher 3 was massive and people still don't get what GoG exactly does. Constantly hoping to cling onto CDPR tail while not being able to fully display what your service does is not the way forward. FCKDRM could have worked if it wasnt for the brand distracting from the point. Getting back to basics would work much better
Linko64: Witcher 3 was massive and people still don't get what GoG exactly does. Constantly hoping to cling onto CDPR tail while not being able to fully display what your service does is not the way forward. FCKDRM could have worked if it wasnt for the brand distracting from the point. Getting back to basics would work much better
Interesting. What do you suggest for "basics"?
Linko64: Witcher 3 was massive and people still don't get what GoG exactly does. Constantly hoping to cling onto CDPR tail while not being able to fully display what your service does is not the way forward. FCKDRM could have worked if it wasnt for the brand distracting from the point. Getting back to basics would work much better
rjbuffchix: Interesting. What do you suggest for "basics"?
I charge for that info *taps nose and vanishes into capitalism*
Not sure if you are just being sarcastic, but anyway:
Crosmando: Yeah the huge amount of people on Steam who only have a few F2P games on their account (usually TF2, CSGO and Dota2) is pretty sad. Just imagine playing the same maps over and over again every day for the rest of time, truly hellish.
Those are competitive games, so "playing the same map(s) over and over again" is not any more a problem in those games as that when you play football, you'll be playing it always on a similar football field (a quadrangular field with two goals at the ends), or if you are playing chess, you always play it on the same chequered board with the exact same pieces. Is that a problem in those games? Or how about Tetris? You'd be playing the same "map" over and over again.

On public servers, you'll still be playing against different people with different gameplay styles which is what (can) make the experience different on different days, even if the map is the same. Plus, part of the attraction in those games is to learn the maps inside out so that you play effectively. It is kind of a nuisance in e.g. TF2 to try to learn a new map because you are not sure where you should be going, which way you get anywhere etc. Only after you've played the map for some time and it becomes familiar, the game becomes enjoyable. They are not exploration games where you check out places in time, you are constantly in a hurry.
Post edited July 12, 2019 by timppu
Strangely, as a child I transcribed Bladerunner word-for-word and acted it out on video with my friends, I was obsessed with the Shatter comic book (the first all digital comic), and I read William Gibson's books front-to-back, but I'm just not very interested in Cyberpunk 2077. But, it seems I'm in the minority.

As for your initial point...

I think it's too bad casual gamers have no interest in older titles... and that a large number of "serious" gamers are fine with Steam, Epic, or any anti-consumer mechanism of "modern gaming." It would be great to see a growing interest and respect for old games, but currently there's just too much new content with too much advertising money behind it.

For GOG and CDPR's immediate financial future, I certainly hope C2077 is a hit... but I won't be buying until I've seen plenty of reviews post-release (heck, I still have to finish the Deus Ex games).

I know this has been brought up before, but...

... I just wonder if C2077 is a giant hit far beyond Witcher, how will this affect both GOG and CDPR?
kai2: ... I just wonder if C2077 is a giant hit far beyond Witcher, how will this affect both GOG and CDPR?
I'm more interested in what happens to GOG if CP2077 turns out to be a dud...
ChrisGamer300: Who cares !

We don't even know how the game will turn out and i don't make assumptions about it before i know how it is which it seems to me this thread is about, please tell me if i'm wrong here.

However i will say theres a few games that deserve higer sales than they got though.
Crosmando: It's sad because it's just one game, while there's countless amazing games on GOG that will remain unknown. It's sad because because modern mass marketing actually works and countless more people will buy Cyberpunk simply because of hype and keanu reeves.
think about all these people who will discover gog because of cyberpunk and drm free promise - imho it's not sad - its great oportunity for all these people to discover all these gems in drm free world :D
Crosmando: Cyberpunk will probably make more money on GOG than every other game on the platform combined
IMO the only thing sad about it is that so much of the money will be made before the game is ever released. If a game is released, and consumers like it, and gog makes a lot of money on it, I think that's great. That's the way it's supposed to work isn't it? What's wrong with making a lot of money on something if you happened to have provided something consumers want?

I do think it's.... I'll just say against consumers' own interests to give them such massive sums before anything is ever released though. That part is sad. I've done it a couple of times myself out of flippant moods, but don't and won't be pre-ordering anything again.
Pheace: Pretty sure that sounds pretty sad to some people, if the DRM-Free store, after a decade of promoting itself can't hold it's own without CDP's IP keeping it profitable.
Did somebody say "sad"?
Crosmando: Cyberpunk will probably make more money on GOG than every other game on the platform combined

Well the other games(the classics) have smaller profit margins so there's that.

(BTW why is this low rated? Some rabid fans of gog cannot understand this isn't a dig against gog/cdpr, apparently)
ChrisGamer300: Not any different than lootboxes generate higher revenue than the games sales and the acceptance of drm, yes i don't like these trends in gaming but it is what it is and most people will never care even though their behavior might fire right back at them some day.

If you buy on hype and pre order then don't complain if you get burned, if you're fine with that then go ahead and i don't care anymore because it's useless trying to talk sense in the masses who just buy what they want and never think twice about the future effect it could have because corps go where the money is regardless of pro consumerism.

Bad trends will not go away unfortunately, best you can do is supporting the least terrible ones, hype and pre orders in the grand scheme of things isn't all that bad and it hurts those that gets carried away by it.
Corps also listen to the "squeakiest wheels" on social media, so complaining there also helps one's cause sometimes.
antrad88: More sad are the millions of people stuck playing one or two games like Fortnite, PUBG or Rust for years, getting excited about a new skin texture, instead of trying something new and different.

If I had access to so many games when I was a kid, all those summers where I had no idea what to do with myself... oh man, there are so many great games out there, so many stories and characters waiting to be discovered, everything at the tip of the finger.
Yet such new generations seem to care only about shouting random things at people over voice chat as they snipe someone/teabag their corpse in a game and other such stuff. :\
antrad88: More sad are the millions of people stuck playing one or two games like Fortnite, PUBG or Rust for years, getting excited about a new skin texture, instead of trying something new and different.

If I had access to so many games when I was a kid, all those summers where I had no idea what to do with myself... oh man, there are so many great games out there, so many stories and characters waiting to be discovered, everything at the tip of the finger.
Crosmando: Yeah the huge amount of people on Steam who only have a few F2P games on their account (usually TF2, CSGO and Dota2) is pretty sad. Just imagine playing the same maps over and over again every day for the rest of time, truly hellish.
To be fair I remember fondly some maps in classic TF and the fun I had with them.....many many years ago.
Post edited July 12, 2019 by GameRager
antrad88: More sad are the millions of people stuck playing one or two games like Fortnite, PUBG or Rust for years, getting excited about a new skin texture, instead of trying something new and different.

If I had access to so many games when I was a kid, all those summers where I had no idea what to do with myself... oh man, there are so many great games out there, so many stories and characters waiting to be discovered, everything at the tip of the finger.
zeroxxx: Sad people are people like you who think what's best for others people completely disregarding their own preferences. If they want to play Fortnite / PUBG more power to them. They're the ones playing not you. They don't judge you.
Everyone is free to judge anyone else...there is no law/etc stating one cannot. Also it's not harmful/mean to judge such people, imo.

Tauto: I wonder why that would be sad?
It would mean gog games(classics) don't sell as well and provide enough income to the site as we think. Also it means people play modern games more than some classic gems, which some might find sad.
timppu: Not sure if you are just being sarcastic, but anyway:
Crosmando: Yeah the huge amount of people on Steam who only have a few F2P games on their account (usually TF2, CSGO and Dota2) is pretty sad. Just imagine playing the same maps over and over again every day for the rest of time, truly hellish.
timppu: Those are competitive games, so "playing the same map(s) over and over again" is not any more a problem in those games as that when you play football, you'll be playing it always on a similar football field (a quadrangular field with two goals at the ends), or if you are playing chess, you always play it on the same chequered board with the exact same pieces. Is that a problem in those games? Or how about Tetris? You'd be playing the same "map" over and over again.
With football you gain physical strength/etc, and with chess you train your brain a bit more....with most f2p games you mainly just train your hand-eye coordination and response times.
Post edited July 12, 2019 by GameRager
kai2: As for your initial point...

I think it's too bad casual gamers have no interest in older titles... and that a large number of "serious" gamers are fine with Steam, Epic, or any anti-consumer mechanism of "modern gaming." It would be great to see a growing interest and respect for old games, but currently there's just too much new content with too much advertising money behind it.
For GOG and CDPR's immediate financial future, I certainly hope C2077 is a hit... but I won't be buying until I've seen plenty of reviews post-release (heck, I still have to finish the Deus Ex games).

I know this has been brought up before, but...

... I just wonder if C2077 is a giant hit far beyond Witcher, how will this affect both GOG and CDPR?
While people are free to play what they want & I have no problem with it usually, it's sad to me the new generation just into what's flashy/easy rather than games that require more time/effort invested to get into & more games with lore/world building/etc. It's mostly just shoot shoot shoot 360 degree noscope AIRHORN.wav etc.
Seeing as how cdpr money is seemingly help fund Galaxy 2.0 and keeping the site's extra R&d/etc running I would wonder as well......
Post edited July 12, 2019 by GameRager
GameRager: With football you gain physical strength/etc, and with chess you train your brain a bit more....with most f2p games you mainly just train your hand-eye coordination and response times.
The big part of online shooters is learning the level so that you know how to get where etc. That is why I generally dislike the "learning phase" when playing a completely new map for the first few times. For instance Hightower which is kinda big and confusing map (for a TF2 map), I think it took me several weeks before I started feeling comfortable playing that map. Nowadays it is one of my favorite TF2 maps.

Also, team online shooters generally train your tactical thinking, and e.g. in Team Fotrtress 2, classes like engineer, medic and spy are anything but about just hand-eye coordination and response times. For instance the engineer class is very much about using tactical thinking where it makes sense to build your sentry gun, dispenser etc., and where and when to move them.

I always use to say that Team Fortress 2 is the best tower defense game I know (when playing an engineer). :)

Also, considering I am an aging gamer who does great in TF2 against kids who by their age could be my kids or maybe even grandkids... I guess it tells faster reflexes and better eye-hand coordination can only take you so far in that game. I presume some 13 year old gaming kids have much better reflexes and eye-hand coordination than an old geezer like me, yet I constantly trounce them in TF2, quite often ending up into the #1 position in round rankings. Maybe the class requiring the best reflexes in TF2 is the sniper class, and after that maybe scout.

One thing though: for some reason I have hard time trying to enjoy any other online shooter but the Team Fortress games (currently Team Fortress 2): I have tried e.g. Counterstrike and Fortnite, and for some reason I just couldn't enjoy them. TF2 just feels more interesting and more fun, for some reason.
Post edited July 13, 2019 by timppu
antrad88: More sad are the millions of people stuck playing one or two games like Fortnite, PUBG or Rust for years, getting excited about a new skin texture, instead of trying something new and different.
Some "gamers" have done literally nothing but play Counterstrike for 20 years. If that's what they want to do though, who cares? Let people do what they want. I'm sure many people would think I'm weird for never playing multiplayer at all, but we're all just different folks wasting time between the important things in life.
timppu: The big part of online shooters is learning the level so that you know how to get where etc. That is why I generally dislike the "learning phase" when playing a completely new map for the first few times. For instance Hightower which is kinda big and confusing map (for a TF2 map), I think it took me several weeks before I started feeling comfortable playing that map. Nowadays it is one of my favorite TF2 maps.

Also, team online shooters generally train your tactical thinking, and e.g. in Team Fotrtress 2, classes like engineer, medic and spy are anything but about just hand-eye coordination and response times. For instance the engineer class is very much about using tactical thinking where it makes sense to build your sentry gun, dispenser etc., and where and when to move them.

I always use to say that Team Fortress 2 is the best tower defense game I know (when playing an engineer). :)

Also, considering I am an aging gamer who does great in TF2 against kids who by their age could be my kids or maybe even grandkids... I guess it tells faster reflexes and better eye-hand coordination can only take you so far in that game. I presume some 13 year old gaming kids have much better reflexes and eye-hand coordination than an old geezer like me, yet I constantly trounce them in TF2, quite often ending up into the #1 position in round rankings. Maybe the class requiring the best reflexes in TF2 is the sniper class, and after that maybe scout.

One thing though: for some reason I have hard time trying to enjoy any other online shooter but the Team Fortress games (currently Team Fortress 2): I have tried e.g. Counterstrike and Fortnite, and for some reason I just couldn't enjoy them. TF2 just feels more interesting and more fun, for some reason.
1. That is a big part but the newer games are more about dance moves and flashy skins & shooting people while doing random stuff. Most people seemingly just run through maps and memorize some stuff so they can enjoy it more and that's about it.

2. This is true for some but some also just learn the basics of what each class does and what the map ruleset is and then go hog wild and try random stuff to win/beat others.

3. I dunno about best but yeah.....

4. Hand eye coordination is good and all, but unless one takes advatange of that irl it doesn't give one much advantage beyond gaming(sadly).

5. Yeah some of the older games had/have more world building and less randomized stuff than "gun makes wooden walls and floors while hang gliding around all over the place 2.0".