amrit9037: Try Adalia Fundamental.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
jpilot: Yeah, the versioning here is pretty awful. I don't quite understand why they use these weird version schemes in the first place. What's wrong with using the official version of the game plus a simple number indicating any updates to the game's package on GOG's side. Like if the game's version is 1.5 for example, GOG could then use 1.5-1 as their version and if they need to update their package for whatever reason the next one would simply become 1.5-2 and so on. If the game gets an update and now is at 1.6, GOG's version would be 1.6-1 etc.
That could work but they don't even have to go that way.
They could just put the name of the actual setup file next to the title in the download page.
So where it shows for example GAMEX GOG-5 450MB
It could say GAMEX setup_gamex_2.1.5.exe GOG-5 450MB
Problem solved.