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Big changes are here.

My Account is the heart of your experience. It's the one place that's 100% yours, and the place you always go to download your games and manage the entire library.
Starting today, your My Account is completely new - remade and redesigned from scratch to better support our growing library of games and many of your biggest requests. Aside from every usability fix we could think of, we've also introduced brand new tools to keep your library organised, and new social features to stay in touch with your friends.

The list of new features is long, but you can see the whole thing on our forums. The most important highlights include:

--Support for friends lists and chat.
--Shared wishlists.
--Advanced filtering and custom tags for your library.
--A new, detailed order history.
--Accessible game changelogs.

We're sure that these new changes will greatly improve your overall user experience on, and we can't wait to hear what you think on the wishlist and right here in the comments!
avatar --Accessible game changelogs.
goglin: Which games do have a changelog visible by now?
Wasteland 2, Shadow Warrior 2013, Telepath Tactics, Chroma Squad, Age of Wonders III, just to name a few :)
LoveShines: I like the new features, I won't complain about those but the library doesn't feel like a library anymore. It just feels like I'm looking at the store or an extension of the store. I prefer the classic look and also the fact that out of all the hundreds of games I own I could just scroll down and find it instead of taking the extra time to sift through pages or do a search. In adding some of the new features I feel like some of the simplicity of the old have been lost, ironically, since this is all supposed to make things easier and it doesn't feel that way in that aspect. It would be nice to see an option to change back to the old library but also keep the newer features.
There will be 5 skins rolled for the shelf are so hopefully this will help those who would like to personalize their shelf :)
JudasIscariot: There will be 5 skins rolled for the shelf are so hopefully this will help those who would like to personalize their shelf :)
MoP: Any chance for manual sorting coming back? Because...
Siilk: Shelves with manual sorting was what made people like gog account view in the first place and treat it as, well, their "game library", a place where you can hop in from time to time just to have a look at their collection instead of just downloading the game they bought and forgetting about account page.
MoP: ... and I had a wonderfully invented, meticulously crafted system that made me all giddy inside. And you horrible creatures killed it! (pardon if it's been answered 42 times already)
As of right now, no. If and whether it comes back, I do not know.
JudasIscariot: As of right now, no. If and whether it comes back, I do not know.
MoP: Oh well, what else is new I guess. Thanks.
You can add custom tags to sort through your library, I don't know if that helps but it should make it easier than having to click and drag a bunch of boxes on the shelf. I've tried the old manual sort even back in the days before I became GOG staff and I couldn't make use of it. I do hope that with the new tags this will make sorting options easier for everyone but I understand that a lot of people liked their manual sorting as well.
WildHobgoblin: Well, to reduce my amount of whiny posts...
Today I received a notification.
It was a game update.
I clicked on the game.
There was a changelog there.
I looked at the changelog, and all the information was there.
It was a thing of beauty.
Best bit of poetry ever :) It warmed our webdevs' hearts :)
eiii: As much as I appreciate that GOG finally wants to provide changelogs for the games the ratio still could be improved. 3 updates today (Black Mirror, Eador and Terminal Velocity), but only one of them has a changelog entry (Black Mirror).

Come on folks, it isn't that hard to add a short comment to a file when you change something. ;)
All three games have a "Changelog", check them :)
JudasIscariot: All three games have a "Changelog", check them :)
eiii: Terminal velocity also has a changelog now, Eador still has not.
Are you looking at Eador: Masters of the Broken World or Genesis? Genesis was NOT updated :)
javihyuga: Yeah, that is really convenient. "Mmmmh, I got an update. Let's start a search among the three pages of that cool blue tiny bullet. Ahá, there it is. Wow, I can see what has been changed, and just after manually searching through all my collection! This is almost as good as manually search everysubforum for the changelog post."
Djaron: worse even, compared to older game box from previous library, if there is no changelog (often), you have no clue about what the update is about ! is it a new revision number ? is it a major patch like from x.0.0 to y.0.0 or to x.0.4 ? supported langage added ? a goody added ? does it worth redownloading the whole pack of thing, having to cope with the disaster that are now the downloader links ?
Actually, we do add to the changelog whether a goodie was added now that we have a changelog for this kind of thing. We recently added the unofficial 2.36b beat patch for Europa Universalis to the goodies section. It's in the changelog and this will occur for every game we add to so if you get a Linux-compatible version of a game, there will be a changelog entry with a date of when this entry was added.
Lemon_Curry: Awesome! Can I please get a beat patch for Mount & Blade? ;)
A what patch? :P
JudasIscariot: Actually, we do add to the changelog whether a goodie was added now that we have a changelog for this kind of thing. We recently added the unofficial 2.36b beat patch for Europa Universalis to the goodies section. It's in the changelog and this will occur for every game we add to so if you get a Linux-compatible version of a game, there will be a changelog entry with a date of when this entry was added.
Djaron: well, my bad... actually, i have 38 update alerts (i had been slacking lately...)

and i tried to look about already one third of those, and so far, i think i had no other clue than to use the goog old gog downloader to redownload the whole game files and goodies as step 1 and then compare with my own archive as step 2 and play the differences game :) and as most install files were recently renamed with a new template, i guess i would have to lok at the filesize, the properties or md5 hash or such...

i humbly apologize not being right now neither in the mood nor technical capability (or weather capability) of doing this for feedback and debugging purpose only... especially because by the time i may be done with such task, things may change in between.
No need to apologize :)

Those updates were flagged before we made the changelog feature live so you may have those updates from the time when I posted everything to a given subforum after updating a game.

In any case, we are posting any and all changelogs in your account so if you have a game update, please look at the changelog after you've cleared your old updates :)

Also, if you need to know what was updated lemme know which game and I may remember the update off the top of my head :)
Djaron: of course, at 400 or more games, the old library was a pain, yet it only loaded chunk by chunk and it worked rather fine compared to, lets say, humble bundle account library for example... So the old gog was rather reliable anyway.
eiii: The only slow part of the old library for me was the counter, which for non-obvious reasons often needed half a minute or more to count the few hundred games.

JudasIscariot: Actually, we do add to the changelog whether a goodie was added now that we have a changelog for this kind of thing. We recently added the unofficial 2.36b beat patch for Europa Universalis to the goodies section. It's in the changelog and this will occur for every game we add to so if you get a Linux-compatible version of a game, there will be a changelog entry with a date of when this entry was added.
eiii: Great! :)

Is there / will there be any way to also download this changelog?
You should be able to just copy-paste it from your account :)
JudasIscariot: You should be able to just copy-paste it from your account :)
eiii: Yes, trying to mark the changelog while scrolling it down to the end within a page which also scrolls while I try to scroll the changelog ... not really what I was dreaming for.
I more was after a nice URL like ;)
Ah, well, sorry nothing I can about that myself :)
JudasIscariot: Actually, we do add to the changelog whether a goodie was added now that we have a changelog for this kind of thing. We recently added the unofficial 2.36b beat patch for Europa Universalis to the goodies section. It's in the changelog and this will occur for every game we add to so if you get a Linux-compatible version of a game, there will be a changelog entry with a date of when this entry was added.
HypersomniacLive: Is there any chance we could get a full list of which games got a changelog even for updates from before the new account system rolled out? Or did I misunderstand your post?
Errm you may have misunderstood my post, not sure.

All of the updates posted are ones added after the changelog feature rolled out :)
JudasIscariot: You should be able to just copy-paste it from your account :)
eiii: Will the changelog which is displayed in the game library be cumulative and preserve older changes or will it only contain the info from the last change (which would increase the need for a local backup significantly)?
It will be cumulative so you'll be able to scroll through changes as they get added in :)

I don't know if there is a character limit as I've managed to fit the ENTIRE changelog to Age of Wonders III version 1.555 in there and that is longer than the U.S. Constitution and the Magna Carta put together :)
Post edited May 13, 2015 by JudasIscariot
JudasIscariot: I don't know if there is a character limit as I've managed to fit the ENTIRE changelog to Age of Wonders III version 1.555 in there and that is longer than the U.S. Constitution and the Magna Carta put together :)
Tannath: Actually, as far as constitutions go, the US constitution is quite short. ;)
Why do you think I put "and the Magna Carta" in my previous reply? :P