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I'd love to visit the Czech Republic one day.

I'm in for Revenant, thanks for the giveaway and +1.
I'm in for Revenant
thank you very much :)

I'd like to visit Iceland or some such, I like cold weather :D. But places in China, Japan, Canada, Argentina, Spain, Russia and some other might also be cool. I'm not much of a traveler though, so I probably won't visit anything on holiday :D.
I would like to try my luck for Shadowrun Hong Kong. Thanks very much.
Australia has always seemed lovely, that and Hawaii. Any place with lots of H20.
Post edited August 23, 2015 by Jeets2
Please count me in for Revenant, thank you.

The country I'd like to visit the most is Japan.
Tauto: I see gunsynd was right:)
You see only what you want to.
Thank you for the chance to maybe win Revenant!

I would also like to visit Japan for the bloom of the Sakura (cherry blossoms).
Put me down for both, Still got the revenant disk some where, and still planning my Shadown run mod/ level after dragon fall.

As for the holiday... there are dozens of places I'd like to go back to (Hong Kong being one of them), but the Galapagos islands are high on the list of places I haven't been to.
Thanks for the giveaway, +rep

I'm in for Shadowrun: Hong Kong.

Country?...Hmm I dunno. I just want to travel to Antarctica and dance with Penguins :)
I'm in for both games. Thank you for the giveaway!
I'd like to go to France just for improving my starting french speaking ability and prononciation :)
low rated
Thanks for the giveaway and +1! You're very generous, Doc0075.

I'm in for Shadowrun: Honk Kong.

I'd love to travel to Japan in the near future. I want to know the two worlds, the "extreme" metropolitan Tokyo's way of life and, on the other hand, the almost disappeared japanese's rural life. There's too much to learn about this mythical country.
Post edited August 23, 2015 by menganogog
RWarehall: So many countries, so many different reasons to visit. I'd probably have to go with England first, but more because it might be easier to get around due to the lack of a language barrier.
Just England, or do you actually mean the UK?

- also, once you get away from the tourist traps, you'll suddenly begin to have difficulty understanding others as soon as any kind of accent kicks in.
amrit9037: I would like to visit Denmark.
Because I have read according to transparency media report corruption is minimum there.
I would also like to visit UK as I have read about how they completely cleaned polluted Thames river.

I would like to enter for revenant and shadowrun hong kong (can't resist temptation).
Thank you for giveaway spree.
Here we go again.

As usual this shameless gog games pirate and gog giveaway leecher enters another giveaway for triple A title games.

So you won Witcher 3, Ziggurat and many other big gog games. When are you doing your own $60-100 games giveaway ?
Post edited August 23, 2015 by tort1234
Very tempting, but still not in: thank you very much again.

I think I'd enjoy a trip to Éire and Mexico, among others.
RWarehall: So many countries, so many different reasons to visit. I'd probably have to go with England first, but more because it might be easier to get around due to the lack of a language barrier.
Sachys: Just England, or do you actually mean the UK?

- also, once you get away from the tourist traps, you'll suddenly begin to have difficulty understanding others as soon as any kind of accent kicks in.
As a first visit, would probably start with London. I do watch enough BBC programming to at least have a fighting chance. Far better than my fledgling German which is limited to such questions as "Wo ist der Biergarten?", not that it isn't a useful question to know.

The only other country I have visited is Canada and frankly, English-speaking Canada isn't very spectacularly different from the U.S. That said, Quebec and Montreal certainly felt like a different country. But so did Las Vegas...
Post edited August 23, 2015 by RWarehall