Posted October 21, 2015

*staggers off to weep alone... in the RAIN! - LIKE A REAL MAN DOES!
If it will end the weeping, perhaps I could commission a few minutes of work from you in lieu of a game.
My son is five. He's in kindergarten for 6 to 8 hours each weekday. Every school day, to encourage him to draw, to remind him I exist, and to make the flipper happy, I stick a "HOW TO DRAW X" instruction inside the lid of his lunchbox (5" x 8.5"). They're necessarily pretty simple, and I try to avoid complexities like guidelines that won't be visible in the finished pic. Each one takes me about 15 minutes (well, once I've thought of what I'm going to do).
Subject matter is quite flexible. Cthulhu is okay. I avoid bombs, though, as he's already obsessed with them.
Anyway, if the mood ever strikes you, and you're keen to be a lunchbox artist for a few minutes, please shout.
I fear this request is somehow insulting, though it's not intended to be. I don't mean to undervalue your work or your time. So no pressure, of course.