Leonard03: With advantage/disadvantage it's easier and quicker to determine if it applies.
Oh, I agree- it's very fast, and very easy. I just think it's too easy, it simplifies things too much. It's definately not something that would hold up for a group like mine, people with considerable RPG experience. It might be a good idea for total newcomers (I don't mean that in any insulting way).
Just to make things clear- I don't begrudge anyone their fun, and tabletop RPGs are all about having fun. Whichever system fits your playstyle and your group, and whatever house-rules you apply to it is the "right" system, and you can have a great game with even the most bare-bones system imaginable. It's just that for me 5e feels wrong, with stuff like advantage or the extremely simplified skills. Of course a good DM with a good campaing would probably make it work anyway, but I prefer to keep to D&D 3.5 and Warhammer FRP 2ed.