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But what if I don't want to give CDP all my money?
phrasing.png (277 Kb)
Then Johnny Brassknuckles pays you a friendly visit to talk about your money spending habits. Capiche?
Then buy the games somewhere else and give Gabe your money instead if that's what you want, ofc the money goes to CDP Group since CDPR and GOG are part of them. Just because GOG or CDPR makes the money doesn't mean 100% of the revenue stay with them, it circulates within the group and is used where it's needed.

I'm sure they will thank you for their extra fat salary though if you give them ALL your money.
Post edited June 04, 2020 by ChrisGamer300
ChrisGamer300: Then buy the games somewhere else and give Gabe your money instead if that's what you want, ofc the money goes to CDP Group since CDPR and GOG are part of them. Just because GOG or CDPR makes the money doesn't mean 100% of the revenue stay with them, it circulates within the group and is used where it's needed.

I'm sure they will thank you for their extra fat salary though if you give them ALL your money.
Dude, he was joking...
ChrisGamer300: Then buy the games somewhere else and give Gabe your money instead if that's what you want, ofc the money goes to CDP Group since CDPR and GOG are part of them. Just because GOG or CDPR makes the money doesn't mean 100% of the revenue stay with them, it circulates within the group and is used where it's needed.

I'm sure they will thank you for their extra fat salary though if you give them ALL your money.
Randalator: Dude, he was joking...
I thought so but you can never be sure on the internet but then i suck at reading intentions lately. Some things may seem obvious or so i have thought often lately yet i have been proven wrong multiple times in short order.

I may be an idiot or too tired right now to understand anything but there are worse things.
Post edited June 04, 2020 by ChrisGamer300
ChrisGamer300: I thought so but you can never be sure on the internet but then i suck at reading intentions lately. Some things may seem obvious or so i have thought often lately yet i have been proven wrong multiple times in short order.
Fun fact, there's actually a symbol that was designed specifically to indicate sarcasm. It's official name is a sarcastrophe. It looks like a weird cross between a exclamation mark and a question mark. It has failed to achieve any wide usage or recognition.
theslitherydeee: Fun fact, there's actually a symbol that was designed specifically to indicate sarcasm. It's official name is a sarcastrophe. It looks like a weird cross between a exclamation mark and a question mark. It has failed to achieve any wide usage or recognition.
Fun fact, what you have linked is called interrobang (‽) and is not used to mark sarcasm according to the interwebz. ;) A little bit of googling suggests that there are sarcasm/irony punctuation marks, but they seem to look different. The most commonly mentioned is a mirrored question mark (⸮).
InkPanther: Fun fact, what you have linked is called interrobang (‽) and is not used to mark sarcasm according to the interwebz. ;) A little bit of googling suggests that there are sarcasm/irony punctuation marks, but they seem to look different. The most commonly mentioned is a mirrored question mark (⸮).
Live and learn, thanks.
I'm not sure what is worse.

a) That this is the single best reason to buy the Witcher series here
b) That it is a lie.

Anyone who seriously cared enough to be influenced by this statement would be mortified to learn that they were cruelly misled. A portion of their precious money must go to Visa or Paypal.

Perhaps you need to post an envelope containing cash to take advantage of this offer, but even that may come with the disclaimer "some or all of your money may go to the postman instead".
Maybe kalirion just wants to give CDPR the price of Witcher and not all his money.:)
All your money are belong to CDPR.

If you don't give CDPR 100% of them you are, scientifically proven, a very very entitled gamer.
Post edited June 04, 2020 by Grargar
Huh, if they had pledged to donate 20% to COVID research, I might have been tempted...
high rated
fronzelneekburm: Huh, if they had pledged to donate 20% to COVID research, I might have been tempted...
They donated quite a bit for medical equipment and healthcare workers (in Poland)
Randalator: Then Johnny Brassknuckles pays you a friendly visit to talk about your money spending habits. Capiche?
Is he related to Joey Baggadonuts?
Mortius1: Your avatar...
Wing Commander?