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Hello, i played the demo and first of all : very nice concept. The current state of the game is really nice, but i do have a few possible suggestions :

- 1. Even though we can see interactive icons only when the character is close, some of them are still not interactible because too far. I don't mind icons appearing outside action range, but i think it would be nice if the character could automatically move close enough to the clicked icon to interact with it.

- 2. Saving. This is to me the most important part. I hate checpoint saves. I understand that some games might justify their use, but to me they are a hindrance. I have limited time to play each week. I don't want to have to redo several dozen minutes of gameplay just to correct something i did by misclicking. Same goes for having to redo everything because automatic saves saved just after i did some action. At the beginning of the demo i spent 15 minutes exploring the office and talking to the AI. I would hate to have to redo everything just so i can fill up the codex again and correct one little mistake. There were several games i avoided just because of this. So if it's not too problematic i would really like to see a save system where i can save manually at any point of the game.

- 3. In the virtual world, i got a time limit of 2 minutes. Most of that was spent talking to the person searching for the wife near the spawn point. I do hope that there is no such limitation in the released game. From what i read i understood that this is only because the game is unfinished (and it's a demo to boot), but i simply wanted confirmation about this. I like to take my time in these kinds of games and explore everywhere, so being timed and huried is a no-go for me.

Othere than these points, i think the rest is very nice.
Hello :)

1. We've got this reported and passed to the team :)

2. It's a work-in-progress alpha-build. We will have both manual and better auto-saves in the full release ;)

3. There won't be any time-limitations in the full release. This is strictly because we wanted to show people just a glimpse of Twisted & Perverted.
Thanks for answering.

Your aswer made me very happy. I'm definitely going to buy this game now.
I'd like to add my feedback as well.

Please do something about dialog box and font size in final release (or at least give the option to change UI size). I can see that this game will be very dialogue/text heavy, I saw no complex animations or anything important going on in the background while I was talking to the characters or investigating; I dunno, maybe there's something about used font or because it's late, but I was really struggling to read anything after a while, and I seriously cannot think of any reason, as to why this windows is like 1/10 of the screen.

Also voice-acted dialogues would be nice.
With the above poster. dialog box and font size are tiny. we need to be able to increase this. I sacked off the demo after a few minutes solely because of this.
Post edited September 02, 2021 by lominia