rjcogin: don't work for me either. works up to load screen flash, then crashes as soon as you load saved game/new game
katatonicone: On my config it works fine, I've got Win10 Build 10240, AMD R9 200 series card. If I do not mess with incremental rendering, it runs smoothly and troubleless.
Yes, it very much is dependent on people's hardware & drivers...much moreso that on OS version. Older Intel GPUs, especially, are the pits for D3d 9 & earlier support--they do a lot in software--or rather they try to do it in software--and D3d games don't much like that...;)
If you like gaming, I constantly advise people who ask, two things are a must:
1) Build a desktop
2) Use only an AMD or nVidia GPU
(I am well pleased with my R9 380 4GB card...!)