Posted September 01, 2017
just need to mention this:
1- Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sierra On-Line\Gabriel Knight 3\Engine .
2- Edit the decimal value of these keys :
(default) = yyyy
Screen Height = yyyy
Screen Widht = xxxx
Where xxxx is desired width & yyyy is desired height.
(default) and "Screen Height" MUST have the same value.
not sure how well known this solution is...
1- Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sierra On-Line\Gabriel Knight 3\Engine .
2- Edit the decimal value of these keys :
(default) = yyyy
Screen Height = yyyy
Screen Widht = xxxx
Where xxxx is desired width & yyyy is desired height.
(default) and "Screen Height" MUST have the same value.
not sure how well known this solution is...