scottbarnes: I don't understand the references to a tracer in this message stream, particularly in connection with the Voodoo Museum. What is the tracer and how and when do I get access to it?
I obtained the first message from the side of the cemetery tomb fine, including its translation by the fortune teller. But when I go back to the cemetery on Day 5, the claimed new message on the tomb is exactly the same as the original message, not the new one the walk-through I'm following anticipated. As a result, I don't have all the letter translations necessary to write the new message the game is anticipating, and the game won't let me erase the message with the brick. Am I reading something wrong, or did I miss something earlier that I needed to do to get this point in the game to work the way it is apparently supposed to. I can't figure out a way to bring up the translator screen at all.
Any help any of you can give me will be sincerely appreciated. I'd like to be able to finish the game, but assume I can't just not bother sending out the new message, Gabriel is expected to post on the tomb
Hmm, it seems that I had a spelling error. It should be read tracker, not tracer, and you get it from Mosley's office. You should put it onto one of the items in the museum and then write a message that Doctor John takes with him.