Posted June 03, 2014

Dad but alive
Registered: Jul 2011
From Other

I'm the 0.999...
Registered: May 2011
From Sweden
Posted June 03, 2014

I won`t play this no more, this is not a game this is really a fraud!!
This is the equivalent of a newbie in a first person shooter standing still in the open trying to shoot the bad guys and he can not understand why his health is going down and he dies all the time. I mean, how is a man supposed to kill the bad guys if you get killed trying to aim, right? Totally unfair!
Here is how you deal with fires in the game: First, pay attention to what is going on with your ship. The moment you notice a fire, PAUSE THE GAME. Assess the situation. Would it be possible to open an airlock and drain the oxygen in sequence all the way to the fire? Good, this is one way of doing it without taking crewmen off their normal duties. If you can not drain the oxygen without also asphyxiating one or more of your crewmen, then you better use these crewmen to put the fire out. Engi crewmen are the fastest at putting out fires though any crewmen except for Mantis are good enough.
Always pay attention to what is going on. The situation changes constantly and you are the one in charge. Anything can happen. Pause the game mid combat just to check on your power levels and adjust them if necessary. Look for damaged systems. Pause the game every time your enemy fires upon you to see what he is using and how it will affect you. Pause the game when you are about to fire too, because around the midpoint of the game you need to coordinate your attacks to break enemy defences, you can not just auto-fire and wait for them to die. When it is time to jump, pause the game and look around your ship to make sure you don't have powered down systems or raging fires.
There really is no excuse for not noticing that your oxygen has powered down during a fight or from power fluctuations in a nebula. Normally oxygen is not that important because it drains very slowly, but if you leave it for a couple of minutes without fixing it your crew will die. There is no excuse, that is your fault entirely, your job is to oversee the ship and issue orders. Failure to allocate power to the oxygen system is gross incompetence.

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States
Posted June 04, 2014

I won`t play this no more, this is not a game this is really a fraud!!

This is the equivalent of a newbie in a first person shooter standing still in the open trying to shoot the bad guys and he can not understand why his health is going down and he dies all the time. I mean, how is a man supposed to kill the bad guys if you get killed trying to aim, right? Totally unfair!
Here is how you deal with fires in the game: First, pay attention to what is going on with your ship. The moment you notice a fire, PAUSE THE GAME. Assess the situation. Would it be possible to open an airlock and drain the oxygen in sequence all the way to the fire? Good, this is one way of doing it without taking crewmen off their normal duties. If you can not drain the oxygen without also asphyxiating one or more of your crewmen, then you better use these crewmen to put the fire out. Engi crewmen are the fastest at putting out fires though any crewmen except for Mantis are good enough.
Always pay attention to what is going on. The situation changes constantly and you are the one in charge. Anything can happen. Pause the game mid combat just to check on your power levels and adjust them if necessary. Look for damaged systems. Pause the game every time your enemy fires upon you to see what he is using and how it will affect you. Pause the game when you are about to fire too, because around the midpoint of the game you need to coordinate your attacks to break enemy defences, you can not just auto-fire and wait for them to die. When it is time to jump, pause the game and look around your ship to make sure you don't have powered down systems or raging fires.
There really is no excuse for not noticing that your oxygen has powered down during a fight or from power fluctuations in a nebula. Normally oxygen is not that important because it drains very slowly, but if you leave it for a couple of minutes without fixing it your crew will die. There is no excuse, that is your fault entirely, your job is to oversee the ship and issue orders. Failure to allocate power to the oxygen system is gross incompetence.

I'm the 0.999...
Registered: May 2011
From Sweden
Posted June 04, 2014
Yes, it is solely dependent on the repair skill. Engis are faster, Mantises are slower, everyone else starts out the same. Two engis can put out a single flame in about a second or two so you often waste less time sending them to deal with a fire and run back to their stations. Rockmen are deceptively bad at fighting fires because they move so slow. Their bonus (immune to fire damage) is very situational, a small perk should the fire start in the very room they are in or if you are being torched by a fire starting weapon.and you don't have an engi fire fighting crew.

Angel of Review
Registered: Oct 2011
From United States
Posted June 04, 2014

I'm the 0.999...
Registered: May 2011
From Sweden
Posted June 05, 2014

Sgt. Kabutoman
Registered: Jan 2013
From United States
Posted June 05, 2014

In fact, my ideal boarding parties start with a Mantis and a Rockman: jump into a 2-square room, beat up everyone there, and send the Mantis out to chase down stragglers while the Rockman stays behind to wail on the system!

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia
Posted June 06, 2014

In fact, my ideal boarding parties start with a Mantis and a Rockman: jump into a 2-square room, beat up everyone there, and send the Mantis out to chase down stragglers while the Rockman stays behind to wail on the system!
Rockmen plus a fire bomb (or fire beam or other fire-creating weapon) are really awesome - burn the room, then teleport in the same room. While the enemy is fighting the rockmen, they can't fight the fire. Meanwhile the fire is damaging both the system in the room as well as any enemies in there, while the Rockies only take the damage from the enemy. Their extra health is just icing on the cake. Typically the enemy will run out of the room rather than burn to death, leaving the fire + rockies to trash the system - really useful in weapons room for example.
The fact that they move really slowly is more a nuisance than anything else. Generally if the enemy's medbay is down (or they don't have one) and you're attacking certain important rooms, the enemy will eventually come to the Rockmen since they figure they've got no choice. If you start with the room that's potentially the most damaging to your ship (typically weapons, but could be drone, mind control or hacking depending on circumstances), then the slow movement speed isn't that relevant since the enemy can't do much to you anymore.
Post edited June 06, 2014 by squid830

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia
Posted June 06, 2014

Speaking of which, did you try the in-game tutorial BTW? It might well explain what your issue is, and how to get around it...
I do agree with you with respect to massively detailed manuals, although IMO it doesn't need to be printed these days since if you want the printed version you can print it out yourself. Also a printed manual is a tad difficult to ship via digital distribution methods... ;)

I've had cases where I was starting OK, but then my weapons got hammered, my shields were down, and the enemy had a beam drone on me as well as boarders trashing my rooms! I jumped the hell out, only to end up in another fight. Thankfully this fight was much easier, so I was able to kill the boarders, repair the damage and destroy the enemy without taking too much damage during the second fight. Was pretty hairy though!