advancedhero: It is that amazing of a game. Who hasn't wanted to commandeer their own spaceship? The fact that it is rogue-like gives it a lot of replay-ability to me. Sometimes I am doing so well, and then a random encounter completely decimates my crew and I think, "Maybe next time I'll make it further." I think that is what keeps on drawing me back in.
Yep, FTL is like crack. Better get your fix before the Government bans it for health reasons!
But you don't "chase the dragon", the rebel fleet chases you!
And each time is better than the last, yet you're always thinking of the next time and how much better that run will be.
Until you win.
But then you find you've unlocked a different ship layout, or an entirely different ship! And you know you want to try that one, right? What's one more game? It'll only take a little while, right? What's the harm? You'll be fine, you can survive on 6 hours of sleep! Yeah, 5 hours of sleep is OK. Sure, 4 hours, you can deal with that. Some people don't need more than 3 hours of sleep, right? Hell only 2 hours of sleep - might as well just not sleep at all! Ah you'll be OK, you can sleep when you're dead!
Just ensure you don't start confusing real life with FTL. For instance, if there's a fire in your building, screaming "SEND IN THE ROCKMEN" or telling people to "VENT THE AIRLOCK DOORS" will probably not go down too well...
advancedhero: It has a killer OST too.
I didn't really pay that much attention to it when I first got it, but the new tracks from AE are killer!