Waynoooo: I got burned on this after my initial contact after buying this game... opened up some load-outs (or ship variants) after a few games only to have my HD crash. Of course all of that was lost after I reinstalled Windows. Also, I mostly play the game on my Win 8 tablet, but when I take a business trip I'd like to have the option to play it on my laptop. Soooooo, is there a way to have the savegames be forced to a something like a dropbox directory so I can start where I left off, or at least still have my ship variant options open?
Well it's pretty easy to copy the files to another location manually, but I don't think you can force the game to do that automatically. If you really wanted to automate it you could use a backup program or small script to back it up periodically.
For Windows systems the profile should be located at:
<UserDir>\My Documents\My Games\FasterThanLight
where <UserDir> is your user directory for your system, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<Your User Name>\ on Windows XP.
Then just copy the files in this directory to your backup location - they all in in .sav. You should have at least an ae_prof.sav, maybe a prof.sav (pre-AE FTL), and maybe another .sav if you've saved a game in progress.
When you want to use your other device, simply copy it to the equivalent location on the second device before running it (I'd run it once after installing it for the first time though, as this should create the proper directories/files and will ensure you copy the files to the right place).