Posted December 22, 2016
Dunno if I'm the only one, but I think the default "instant skirmish" map generation is pretty... boring. I've had some fun with the various map generator settings and I've found a set that I find very enjoyable!
It's a dark extermination map with opposite spawns. The map is also longitudinal. There are more buildings and passages than on a regular map and each team has 2 rifle units, 1 shotgun unit and 1 sniper unit. I tend to increase these numbers for the AI team when I want a greater challenge, but the point is to have no rockets or grenades here. I think the map generation under these settings is balanced, that is all of these units can be utilized successfully.
You can import these settings with the following import code:
1200-600-Opposite sides-4-StandardAI-2-1-1-0-0-2-1-1-0-0-12-Dark-0-0-0.05-0.03-0.7-0.25-0.6-0.5-0.2-0.55-32-40-10-8-0.44-40-100- 180-10
And here is a replay of my match (the AI had one extra rifle unit and one extra shotgun unit, I was actually lucky to win this) to give you an idea:
It's a dark extermination map with opposite spawns. The map is also longitudinal. There are more buildings and passages than on a regular map and each team has 2 rifle units, 1 shotgun unit and 1 sniper unit. I tend to increase these numbers for the AI team when I want a greater challenge, but the point is to have no rockets or grenades here. I think the map generation under these settings is balanced, that is all of these units can be utilized successfully.
You can import these settings with the following import code:
1200-600-Opposite sides-4-StandardAI-2-1-1-0-0-2-1-1-0-0-12-Dark-0-0-0.05-0.03-0.7-0.25-0.6-0.5-0.2-0.55-32-40-10-8-0.44-40-100- 180-10
And here is a replay of my match (the AI had one extra rifle unit and one extra shotgun unit, I was actually lucky to win this) to give you an idea: