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I'm relatively sure I once had Automatons up to 100% in one of the 3 scenarios.
Now I can't reproduce it, I always only get 95% at maximum.

The 3 engeneer events I remember:
1. give me 1 day to study them
2. lend me an Automaton for 1 day
=> defect, repaired => +5%
3. give me a steam core
=> medical automatons

Is there an event that only occurs under special conditions?
This question / problem has been solved by Darvinimage
bloerg: I'm relatively sure I once had Automatons up to 100% in one of the 3 scenarios.
Now I can't reproduce it, I always only get 95% at maximum.
If you have any laws that increase building efficiency (the Foreman bonus from the Order path being by far the largest at 40%) that could easily do it. Otherwise, 95% is the highest it goes.
bloerg: 3. give me a steam core
=> medical automatons
Just for the record, this is only worth doing for the achievement. Medical Automatons is the most useless tech in the game.
bloerg: I'm relatively sure I once had Automatons up to 100% in one of the 3 scenarios.
Now I can't reproduce it, I always only get 95% at maximum.
Darvin: If you have any laws that increase building efficiency (the Foreman bonus from the Order path being by far the largest at 40%) that could easily do it. Otherwise, 95% is the highest it goes.
Are you really sure? I'm relatively sure I saw it as an Automaton property, not a building's.
Why should the game designers cap it at 95%?
I will try several different choices, possibly they have an influence on the occuring events.
Darvin: Just for the record, this is only worth doing for the achievement. Medical Automatons is the most useless tech in the game.
That's true, but I love to have 5-6 95% Automatons in research ;-)
bloerg: That's true, but I love to have 5-6 95% Automatons in research ;-)
Engineer automatons is a different tech from medical automatons. It's one of the most powerful technologies in the game and well worth bee-lining for to unlock it as early as possible. Medical automatons, on the other hand, is just useless.
bloerg: That's true, but I love to have 5-6 95% Automatons in research ;-)
Darvin: Engineer automatons is a different tech from medical automatons. It's one of the most powerful technologies in the game and well worth bee-lining for to unlock it as early as possible. Medical automatons, on the other hand, is just useless.
After some trials I now know it for sure:

If you already have researched medical automatons and its enhancement, you get addtional 5% efficiency instead of medical automatons in engeneer event 3. by giving him a steam core).

So we *can* reach 100% automaton efficiency (90+5+5)!

Btw: there might come scenarios where you don't have enough engeneers to play doctor...

Sorry, I cannot mark my own post as solution.
Post edited July 29, 2018 by bloerg
bloerg: If you already have researched medical automatons and its enhancement, you get addtional 5% efficiency instead of medical automatons in engeneer event 3. by giving him a steam core).
That's extremely interesting to know. I don't think it would be particularly worthwhile on any of the current scenarios, since on the highest difficulties technology and research is vastly more valuable, but in the upcoming endurance mode a 5% bonus could really add up over its 1000 day duration.
bloerg: Btw: there might come scenarios where you don't have enough engeneers to play doctor...
That does present a catch-22, as if you have no engineers to play doctor you also have no engineers to perform the research in the first place. It's entirely possible a future event will have circumstances that make this tech useful, but currently that's not the case.
bloerg: If you already have researched medical automatons and its enhancement, you get addtional 5% efficiency instead of medical automatons in engeneer event 3. by giving him a steam core).
Darvin: That's extremely interesting to know. I don't think it would be particularly worthwhile on any of the current scenarios, since on the highest difficulties technology and research is vastly more valuable, but in the upcoming endurance mode a 5% bonus could really add up over its 1000 day duration.
bloerg: Btw: there might come scenarios where you don't have enough engeneers to play doctor...
Darvin: That does present a catch-22, as if you have no engineers to play doctor you also have no engineers to perform the research in the first place. It's entirely possible a future event will have circumstances that make this tech useful, but currently that's not the case.
But what if you only have engeneer automatons and non-engeneer people or children? I wish we had a scenario designer ;-)
Post edited July 30, 2018 by bloerg