Posted September 06, 2012
Is there anything like that?
As much as I loved jumping into a fighter and having dogfights against [Empire/Kilrathi/Rebells/whatever in front of my blasters] in the past I just don't have the itch to do this anymore. Most (all?) mods I saw for FS2 are spacefighter simulators; did I missed one which lets me take the bridge of a Battleship/Carrier/something else similar sized?
As much as I loved jumping into a fighter and having dogfights against [Empire/Kilrathi/Rebells/whatever in front of my blasters] in the past I just don't have the itch to do this anymore. Most (all?) mods I saw for FS2 are spacefighter simulators; did I missed one which lets me take the bridge of a Battleship/Carrier/something else similar sized?