crimecities: I happen to have the very same joystick, and have been using this configuration for a while:
Button 1 (trigger): Fire Primary
Button 2 (missles): Fire Secondary
Button 3: Launch Countermeasures
Button 4: Target Ship in Reticule
Button 5: Target Closest Attacking Ship
Button 6: Target Next Escort Ship
Button 7: Target Nearest Hostile Bomb/Bomber
Button 8: Afterburner
Button 9: Target Next Live Turret
Button 10: Target Next Subsystem
Button 11: Cycle Forward Primary Weapon Bank
Button 12: Cycle Secondary Weapon Bank
Joystick Hat Up: Target Next Closest Hostile Ship
Joystick Hat Down: Target Previous Closest Hostile Ship
Joystick Hat Left: Transfer Energy Laser --> Shield
Joystick Hat Right: Transfer Energy Shield --> Laser
Turn/Yaw Axis: Joystick/Mouse X Axis
Pitch Axis: Joystick/Mouse Y Axis
Bank Axis: Joystick rX Axis
Absolute Throttle Control: Joystick Z Axis
The joystick's fifth axis goes unused in this particular game. I would use it for side thrusting if FSOpen 3.6.12 allowed me to assign left/right thrust to an axis control rather then just hat buttons. I personally find using the hat to look around to be less then useful, especially considering the sheer amount of information the game's HUD gives you.
Equalise Shields, Duel-Fire missles, Target Nearest Friendly, and energy management are not assigned to a joystick button, but I still use them a lot.
Occasionally I re-assign controls when playing user-made campaigns as needed. I still have not found a satisfying way to add side thrust/glide to this control layout when playing campaigns that support it.
what is the fifth axis on the joystick? (i.e. physically what is it?)