Blaquit: Hey guys, i got this game few weeks ago. I thought this game was great. But, I got a few problem, not support 1080p( i know about FSO. I mean other ways. But if FSO is necessary nevermind this point) and I can't bind mouse control(i get used with BF2 or ACE COMBAT control. So yea, I want to set x axis with bank) can anyone help me?
Det_Bullock: You can play "retail" with FSO, that is: new less fussy engine but all the additional effect and models are disabled, but you can still use widescreen resolutions. Just use the Knossos installer/launcher, it will extract the files from the GOG package and import them to the new engine.
Classic spacesims gave more importance to yaw rather than banking, however I remember it allowed to rebind the mouse in the options menu in-game though I might be confusing it with the FSO version.
Though really, use FSO, the old engine seems to be incredibly fussy about input devices and control rebinds at times, especially under windows 10 (there are even cases of the keyboard not being recognized).
FSO and knossos...... can I after install knossos after FSO is attached?
and you say new engine? did you mean knossos are just like a whole new game? I mean, is it compatible with orignal engine's MOD?
and about bind, well, in original version(non FSO) they didn't read any axis movement for binding. but in FSO they read it.
and well yea, since in space there's no absolute up and down, we can feels free too rolling anywhere i thought. and easy to banking make us easier to catch up the enemies maneuver