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You are sitting in a cockpit of your tiny ship, flyin around huge cruiser with your wing of fighters prepared to fulfill any of your orders, even at the cost of their own lives. It was supposed to be peaceful mission: Just to escort some transport ships from point A to point B. But something went horribly wrong. A bunch of fihters just jumped out of nowhere, followed by some kind of capital ship. You need to keep your head clear and stay focused: Of course, you were trained for this! At instant, you target bombers and divert all power to the engines. You are enclosing, as fast as you can, burning your afterburners to their limits... And than it happened. Bright ligt blinded you, as huge beams of energy discharged from huge cannons of enemy capital ship, ripping appart hull of one transport. No training could prepare you for this... You see bodies of refugees, flying from wrecked ship. That's what war is like... We'll show our enemies it's not fun for them, either! You fire several rockets at one of the bombarders. First one is repelled by shields, but second flew right trough that bastard. You leave him in explosions and intercept another. His shields shine like a strange baloon, when suddenly, enemy fighters somehow got to your tail! You are trying to outmaneuver them, but your fighter is no match for them. Two explosions appear behind you. Two enemies were blown to pieces. And your squadmate is screaming "You owe me for this!"
Well, yes, something along those lines. I know I can't write, but something which looks so real cannot be just described. Freespace 2 offers fantastic atmosphere and fantastic gameplay in one package - as well as fantastic visuals with the right MODs, great music, sound and, best of all, story so great, that half of hollywood production can kneel before it and beg for some inspiration. Freespace 1 brought us interesting experience, with big battles and nice storyline. Freespace 2 surpass it in every single aspect: It's twice as big, twice as interesting, and much more absorbing! Do you like sci-fi? You just -need- to play this. I really don't see any real disadvantage in this game, maybe with exception of ending. Story is non-linear, well written. Battles are just huge, you are just a small squad in the fight of titans. Controls: Intuitive. AI: very good. Experience: Great. Buy this game... If you are fan of sci-fi, you won't regret it. Ever.