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i am very stupid person so it might be entirely my fault but i have tried my best to folow 2 suggestions:
get the thing in compatibility mode (chosen Win XP SP2 because i suspect it was released after DSC3 which was 98) WITH admin and no full screen optimization,
download bink and nGlide (admittedly i have zero idea how to work nGlide)

to attempt to help troubleshooting the game starts in approximately 640 x 480 full screen but dose NOT display game window, merely re-scales my main monitor resolution. Thankfully i managed to (through trial and error) figure out that i can get task manager moved into main monitor view, otherwise i am mostly unable to operate the desktop, save for my
taskbar. the resized view necessitates using task manager in very small view but i can manage to stop the game process, when trialing solutions.

Now the game dose effectively start as i hear (what i presume to be intro) playing and if allowed to do its thing for some time i hear what i only assume can be menu music. There i speculate the game has no issues actually running but rather the display mode is somehow afflicted (hence the bink and nGlide).

Anyone has solution that moron (myself) can apply without it being some sort of emulation or remake of the game? i would like to have stats of the game in my gog, that is why i bought the damned thing afterall that and admiration for likes of first descent, freelancer and such. Thank you anyone who can give my usless self any help.