Hello m.j.johnson1561,
Sorry that you're having trouble running the Fran Bow game on Linux. I'm a Linux newbie, so forgive me if what I suggest is too basic or doesn't exactly make sense.
There are a bunch of help files for installing and running GOG games under Linux right here on the GOG Community pages. I found them here:
My rep on this board is too low to actually post links. You need to add (h t t p s : / / w w w . ) to the beginning of the string above to see the link I mean)
The link above may help you to get the game running. On my Linux computer, I had to modify the properties of the gog_fran_bow_2.3.0.4.sh file I downloaded from the GOG store to allow Execution of the file as a program. This then allowed me to install the Fran Bow game onto my Linux computer by opening it in a terminal session. This put an icon for the game on my desktop to start the game up.
The above link also explains that you can start up the game in a terminal session by navigating to the game files:
which are located in your Home directory at "\GOG Games\Fran Bow". Then I had to modify the properties of the start.sh file there to allow Execution of the file as a program.. The game can be started in a terminal session after you adjust the properties of the start.sh file to allow execution, with this command:
Please note that you will need to add some 32-bit binaries to get the Fran Bow game to run if you're using a 64-bit Linux system. These commands at a terminal session may be required:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install libc6:i386 libasound2:i386 libasound2-data:i386 libasound2-plugins:i386
You may have done these things already; however, it appeared from your post that you may not have actually installed the game yet. Forgive me please if I have misunderstood your posting.
I hope something here helps you to get the game running on your Linux computer.
Post edited August 20, 2016 by steveslim