DJMorpheus2007: I'm not sure if the devs are monitoring this forum, but if you are, my conclusions about the issues I've been having...
1. The reason I can't manually select a map, it's chosen automatically, is because I'm being forced to try to play the game in 720p, due to the UI Scaling not functioning correctly. I managed to select one fine in 1080p, but then I can't play the game in that resolution right now, even with a magnifying glass.
2. I'm contradicting my last reply here, following further testing, with a magnifying glass at 720p I might add... The optimisation is still awful. My first houses started being built and my graphics card fans kicked-in YET AGAIN. Graphics settings changes made NO difference.
An old phrase springs to mind here... "If it isn't broken, why fix it?"
The EA version was great, everything functioning really well, but now... You've broken the game, it's become a shadow of its former self :-/.
Completely unplayable, until whatever has been broken, is fixed...
Amen Reverend, you are preaching to the choir. Shoulda stayed in EA at least another 5 years!