Arsen7: Now tested in action. Really great job!
Two small things:
1) in the forester hut the enabled/disabled buttons for trees actually look like the opposite state. On my first look I thought: "Great! They have enabled all the tree types by default. Nice!" And then I was wondering, why my forester just keeps sitting inside, and no new trees are planted. Let's say that it's because of the weather, but it took me quite a while to realize that the types were actually disabled. I bet that many of the new players might have troubles.
2) It is pretty hard to guess how to deliver the goods for the monk (envoy probably too). The icon (shaking hands, if I remember correctly) is hardly noticeable. I have noticed the shape of the icon after I quickly assigned the requested 50 wood to some free warehouse, so I'm not sure whether it is also necessary, or if I can fulfil the contract with goods stored in their production buildings. In any case, there seems to be lack of some guidance - especially for the new players.
That's enough for today. ;-)
And it's really, really beautiful!
Thank you for the feedback. There are more improvements still to come for the new UI so all feedback is very welcomed