Yardiff: Cant seem to transfer my characters from Pool to Curse. Its has the option add a character from but nothing comes up when I pick Pool.
Using GOG Galaxy 1.2.50 to launch/use/play game.
Bought Forgotten Realms: The Archives Collection 2. Played through Pool now starting Curse.
Try this thread:
https://www.gog.com/forum/forgotten_realms_collection/how_to_transfer_characters_in_the_pool_of_radiance_series To transfer a character file from Pool of Radiance to Hillsfar or Curse of the Azure Bonds you need a 'charname.CHA' file. However, Pool of Radiance does not create files that end with .CHA UNLESS you remove the character from the party in one of the training rooms.
Once you complete the game and are ready to transfer from Pool of Radiance then you should go to the training hall, enter one of the 4 training rooms for fighters, thieves etc and then select the option 'Remove Character From Party' for all characters you intend to transfer. "
THEN: you can go into the Pool of Radiance / POOLRAD directory and look for a file name with your character's name on it that is a .CHA file. Copy this one file, then paste it into the Curse of the Azure Bonds / SAVE directory.
When you launch Curse of the Azure Bonds, you'll have the option to "Add character to party" - then the game will ask: "Add from where? Curse | Pool | Hillsfar | Exit" - select (P) for Pool of Radiance. You will then see your character from Pool of Radiance that you can add.
One more additional point I would add is that *before* you "Remove Character from Party" make sure you unequip magic items (those that increase ability scores) and it also couldn't hurt to rest for at least 24hours (to make sure all spell effects have worn off). Because there are some known glitches with character transfer relating to ability scores which have been raised by magic in Pool, so that might help.