23rdCypher: Can't get this to work at all with GoG Pool of Radiance at all.
GoG settings are disabled on the check box, despite finding the install location.
GBC seems to want to only load games in slots A or J and wants to load a party that has absolutely nothing to do with the characters I created, I saved my party into slots A, B, and J just to try to get the thing to spot them.
Tried disabling cloud saves, nothing seems to make a difference.
joonashgog: That's because the game installs with two saved games (A, J). The files are located in the "POOLRAD"-folder which is the folder where GBC tries to find the save files.
Even if you disable cloud saves, new save files go to the "cloud_saves"-folder which is located under the "Pool of Radiance"-folder.
You need to copy the files from the cloud folder to the POOLRAD-folder.
If you don't need cloud saves you can try this:
Disable cloud_saves from GOG Galaxy.
In the "Pool of Radiance"-folder there's a file called "dosbox_por_single.conf".
Edit it and remove the line "mount C "..\cloud_saves" -t overlay".
Now the save files should go into the "POOLRAD"-folder and you don't need to copy the save files any longer.
The "GOG settings" button is disabled because at some point they changed the location of the settings tool. You can run it from the Start-menu.
Hi! Great program! Thanks very much for your work on this.
I too am having trouble getting it setup. I disabled Cloud saves, edited the dosbox_por_single.conf and copied over all my saves to the POOLRAD folder.
GBC now sees my save information but I am still unable to select GOG settings in the GBC UI. Not sure what the problem is. Here is the message I get when I use the Search button:
- Trying to solve base address by searching for 1st ID starting at $1000000...
- ERROR: Could not solve base address. 1st ID not found!
Try increasing the latter address range value and click search again.
Incompatible DOSBox / game version might cause this.
Click the READ TEST to see which memory locations can be read, if any.
Click HELP for more info.
Any ideas on what is going? Additionally, what do you running it from the Start-menu? Which start menu are you referring to?