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How to contact us?
- Suggestions, comments, thanks, feedbacks, issues and just your thoughts you can post on this forum or in special topic. We regularly read all the discussions and try to respond as quickly as possible and to the point.
- For commercial offers or if you want direct communication - our email
- You can send сrashes using internal crashreport system (to do this, re-run the game after the crash) or just send email on, attaching your save files to the message.
- Also, our small company has a website

Do not understand how to play, Do not understand the game mechanics?
- There is a wiki in game, which covers most of the game.
- First of all, if you have any problems always look into it
If this does not help - you should check that maybe you probably missed needed item and look at the wiki a couple of times.
- If that does not help - you are welcome in special topic

Will the game be released on MacOS and Linux and is it possible to play on these operating systems now?
- Currently no. We have some issues with porting to Mac/Linux, but you can play First Feudal on Mac/Linux using Windows emulators.

I can't change speed of the game? Performance issues?
- If you set a high speed but the game is not accelerated then your computer can not handle this speed. Try to reduce the shadow and light settings.
- There may also be problems when playing on large and huge maps, especially on slow computers. Try the game on the standard map.
- Host may have performance issues in multiplayer. Try to create a game on the most powerful computer, so that the others just join and pull one client.

I have a 4K monitor, the game quite uncomfortable to play, everything appears too small?
- If the UI seems too small (especially on 4K monitors) - you can adjust its size by changing the scale of the interface in settings.

How to reset my settings and where are my saves stored?
- To reset the game, enough to remove configuration file %localAppData%\FirstFeudal\FFServer\settings.ini and restart the game.
- All save files are stored in %localAppData%\FirstFeudal\FFServer\save folder.

Artisan/weaponsmith doesn't work?
- Check that the workbench you are interested in is designed for the chosen profession (the artisan processes some resources into others and prepares food, and the weaponsmith creates equipment).
- Check that the peasant has enough resources to make the selected item.
- Check that the workbench priority is greater than 0 (you can set priority the right additional menu when the workbench is active).
- Check that you have selected (the button should be circled in gold) one of the options "Craft X" or "Craft until X".
If you select "Craft X" option, check that the ordered quantity is greater than 0.
If you select "Craft until X" option, check that the ordered quantity is not greater than the available (the available number of items can be viewed in the "Resource list" (by default hotkey J)).
- Specify that there is no additional information in the wiki that could help you.
- If peasant still looks broken thistopic is at your service

Is there a multiplayer in the game? How to play with your friends?
- The game has a cooperative multiplayer - you start to build your village together with your friends - each one for his own feudal lord. The game is limited by 6 players.
- One player is host, which creates the game, the other players join him by ip or via special code (host can see the code in the game menu). It is better to choose the player with the best hardware as host.

Network error when creating/connecting to a game (even in a single player game)?
Network errors can occur in both multiplayer and single-player games. In case of network errors you will be thrown into the main menu with the following messages:
- "I can't connect to the server!" - this most likely means some local network restrictions. It can be a Windows firewall, it can be an antivirus, or some external firewall: anything that can block ports. By default the game uses port 25565, but if it is busy it searches for the nearest free port. You can directly set the port that the game will work with in the game settings. Most often this problem causes a firewall, so it is enough to either disable it or add a rule that allows the specified port.
- "Incompatible version of the server!" - this means that the host player's version of the game is different from yours. Make sure that you are using the same version of the game.
- "The connection has been lost!" - this means that just during the game, something went wrong in the network layer. Try simply restarting the game.