Here are my findings on the issue.
My situation:
1. Windows 8.1
2. GOG Games install/DL to my D:\
3. Download Final Liberation with GOG Galaxy
4. Hit play
5. SSI Logo video plays
6. Game crashes
Solution of course is to disable all videos with the epic.ini file, but this is unsatisfactory, so I did additional digging.
1. The issue is not the Smack player or the video files themselves:
- All videos are SMK files, and SSI_Log.smk (the SSI logo video) works fine.
- So what I tried next was copying SSI_Log.smk two times and changing the name to the other three videos that I suspect play (FLINTRO.smk and HDILOGO2.smk) to see if it's just a corrupted video at fault. This didn't work.
2. The patch mentioned above didn't fix anything for me.
3. Going to RAD Game Tools and downloading updated Smack player files didn't help me:
- replaced all the SMACK* files in the FL directory with the versions from the website
- No dice
- The tools download doesn't have a copy of SMACKW32.DLL, but again, due to finding 1, I don't think that's the problem
4. The underlying problem appears to be a compatibility issue:
- I went into Event Viewer and took a look at the error there. The failing files mentioned are epic40k.exe and AcGenral.dll. The latter, according to Google, is involved in compatibility mode.
- I suspect there's an issue with the second call to the video player, because no matter which video you force to play first (by changing its filename to SSI_Log.smk), it's the second video that crashes.
I don't know how to fix issues w/ DLLs, so I'm kind of stuck at this point.
If you do download the RAD Game Tools, you can play all the videos from the game directory, and behold all the awesome cheesiness... out of context. But I don't know how to get the videos working in-game.