Harest: Since you get a DRM-Free version too, there'll be no problem. But for the Steam version, i don't know how it's packaged. I almost never try to launch a Steam game without Steam. And when i tried, Steam was auto-launched to launch the game next.
This make me a little angry. I didn't pre-order the game to get a "hey, you bought the game before the release? Too bad, you missed drm-free+steam key for the (almost) same price, you mad?". Plus, apparently they got 95% from Humble store, while only 70% from Steam/GoG. That's a pure non-sense.
"Pre-order to get less", yeah sure, no more pre-orders.
Question: What does it matter? If you got the GOG.com release than its DRM Free and can be installed on all your own PC's or some trying to whine themselves into situation where they want 2 copies of the game for the price of one?
marcowy: Yeah, give us (gog pre-ordered) steam keys! We deserve it! :)
And why do you deserve it? While I REALLY hope your being sarcastic, this is a fair chunk of self entitlement right here, You paid for a product. You got said product. 'Nuff Said.