Nargogh: I tried all of your solutions, and nothing seems to work. Game just crashes/freezes during starting cutscene.
Logs are below.
[App ] 00:00:00:378 Fenimore Fillmore: 3 Skulls of the Toltecs, logs started...
[App ] 00:00:11:710 CreateUserPath "Klaudia" Init
[App ] 00:00:11:711 Path Data C:\Users\Jacek\AppData\Roaming\CasualBrothers\3Skulls\
[App ] 00:00:11:711 Path User C:\Users\Jacek\AppData\Roaming\CasualBrothers\3Skulls\Klaudia\
[App ] 00:00:11:712 Path Savegames C:\Users\Jacek\AppData\Roaming\CasualBrothers\3Skulls\Klaudia\Savegames\
[App ] 00:00:11:712 CreateUserPath "Klaudia" Done ~0.001392
[App ] 00:00:11:713 Settings:
Language { Polish }
Voices { English }
Volume { 1.000000 }
Enhanced { true }
Subtitles { true }
Device { "Intel(R) HD Graphics" }
Display { \\.\DISPLAY1 }
Resolution { 1366 768 }
Fullscreen { true }
VSync { false }
AllModes { true }
MotionBlur { true }
[App ] 00:00:11:714 App Init Init
[Audio ] 00:00:12:674 Init Init
[Audio ] 00:00:12:675 Init Done ~0.000307
[App ] 00:00:15:019 App Init Done ~3.305745
[App ] 00:00:15:037 Active false, count1, pause false
[RGL ] 00:00:15:047 RGL Init DX11 Init
[RGL ] 00:00:15:047 InitEnumerate Init
[RGL ] 00:00:15:051 Adapter: Intel(R) HD Graphics , Output: \\.\DISPLAY1
[RGL ] 00:00:15:051 InitEnumerate Done ~0.003396
[RGL ] 00:00:15:051 InitDevice Init
[RGL ] 00:00:16:007 Turn off Alt Enter Print Screen
[RGL ] 00:00:16:007 ChangeVideoOutput Init
[RGL ] 00:00:16:007 Adapter: Intel(R) HD Graphics , Output: \\.\DISPLAY1 , Width: 1366 , Height: 768 , Fullscreen: true , VSync: 1
[RGL ] 00:00:16:007 refs of frame_buffer 0
[RGL ] 00:00:16:007 refs of depth_stencil_buffer 0
[RGL ] 00:00:16:008 EnumerateVideoModes Init
[RGL ] 00:00:16:012 Video Modes: 25
[RGL ] 00:00:16:012 EnumerateVideoModes Done ~0.004263
[RGL ] 00:00:16:098 ChangeVideoOutput Done ~0.091159
[RGL ] 00:00:16:098 InitDevice Done ~1.047405
[RGL ] 00:00:16:099 RGL Init DX11 Done ~1.051734
[App ] 00:00:17:065 Active true, count0, pause false
[App ] 00:00:17:688 Background Load: graficos/fondos/papel/, 215 Init
[App ] 00:00:17:710 Background Load: graficos/fondos/papel/, 215 Done ~0.021938
[App ] 00:00:17:936 Version 1.5.3
[App ] 00:00:33:386 Load game C:\Users\Jacek\AppData\Roaming\CasualBrothers\3Skulls\Klaudia\Savegames\Save0000Auto.sg1 Init
[App ] 00:00:33:387 Background Load: graficos/fondos/papel/, 215 Init
[App ] 00:00:33:389 Background Load: graficos/fondos/papel/, 215 Done ~0.002025
[App ] 00:00:33:390 PVD Play intro_part_1
[App ] 00:00:33:774 Load game C:\Users\Jacek\AppData\Roaming\CasualBrothers\3Skulls\Klaudia\Savegames\Save0000Auto.sg1 Done ~0.388191
Hello we've updated the game to the version 1.5.4, this version don't use mp3 anymore right now all the sounds go through ogg.
We've updated the version 1.5.4, this version use ogg instead mp3 for the audios, so should fix the issues about that have few of you.
Sorry for any inconvenience.