CORSA1R_: Is there any way to choose what you can download for FEAR Platinum? I know Perseus Mandate was made a standalone expansion pack. However, that was a retail release. Nowadays, you buy FEAR with both expansions. Or if you want the whole series in one bundle you buy it from Steam. Also, when I looked at the offline installer it says the game is only 7.2gb. When you look at the GOG Galaxy version its like 16gb.
Anyways, are there any plans for this? I would love this option. Don't get me wrong I would still download everything from FEAR Platinum, but at seperate times. For example, I would download FEAR and Extraction Point and play through both of them. Then when finished I would proceed to download Perseus Mandate.
Taskbar: No, sorry, you need to install the original FEAR game and / or either of its expansions, you need to download and run the entire 8bs installer, and you will have to install all three games, and you will need 16gbs on one of you hard drives to do so successfully.
I that that GOG investing any time, effort, and resources to correct matter is very, very unlikely, considering how old the game is. .
However, I have read, in another thread here, that after installing all three game, you can simply delete the installation folders of both expansions. Deleting Extraction Point will only net you a 1.75gbs of freed-up space, but deleting Perseus Mandate will net you over 7gbs. I haven't done this so I can't vouch for it in a personal way.
(Don't forget to get the Screen Resolution Patch for Extraction Point, to enable resolutions over 1200x960, and the F.E.A.R. Small Subtitles Fix, both getable in this forum if you haven't found them already.)
Yeah, makes sense. It is an old game. I'll just have to download the whole thing. F.E.A.R. is worth it though. Thanks for the answer and reply. I'll check out the fixes too so I can play in proper widescreen.