Leonaru: Thanks for the help, but neither worked for me, unfortunately. I also tried the Steam version, but that didn't make any difference.
You said that when you start the game, you can't see the menu. That means the mod is working and the default is OFF. We just need to figure out why it's not toggling on and off for you when you press the assigned key.
Let's start fresh. Follow these steps *exactly*. Explain any problems you have in detail.
1. Delete these files from your Fear 2 directory:
Also delete the Shaderoverride directory.
2. Redownload the Fear2-HudToggle.zip file.
3. Open the Fear2-HudToggle.zip file
Copy / extract the d3d9.dll file into your Fear 2 directory.
Copy / extract the DX9settings.ini file into your Fear 2 directory.
Those files should be in the same directory as your Fear2.exe file.
5. Now, copy / extract the Shaderoverride directory from the Fear2-HudToggle.zip file into your Fear 2 directory.
So, there should now be a Shaderoverride directory in your Fear2 directory.
Let's check to make sure all the files are in the Shaderoverride directory since those are the files that toggle the hud.
Open your Shaderoverride directory.
You should see two folders:
Open the pixelshaders directory.
There should be four text files in your Fear2/Shaderoverride/vertexshaders directory:
If those aren't there, copy them manually from the zip file.
Now, go back to the Shaderoverride directory.
Open the vertexshaders directory.
You should see six files in the Fear2/Shaderoverride/vertexshaders directory:
If those aren't there, copy them manually from the zip file.
If all the files are in place, run Fear2.exe.
The game should start and you should get a prompt to press space. When you do, you should see the menu. If you press the default toggle key - which is 0 (zero), the menu should become invisible. You might need to press the zero key a few times.
Whether the game starts with the menu visible or not, you should be able to press the default key '0' (zero) a few times until the menu and hud turn on and off when pressing the key.
If deleting and reinstalling the mod with all the files in the correct locations had no effect, open your DX9settings.ini file in a text editor.
Find the top section with this text:
SkipSetScissorRect = true
OverrideMethod = 2
UseRenderedShaders = true
DumpAll = false
add two slashes and a space in front of a line to disable it, like this (without the *** characters):
// SkipSetScissorRect = true
// OverrideMethod = 2
// UseRenderedShaders = true
// DumpAll = false
Save the file and run the game. It will most likely either run and the mod will work, or the game will crash. If it crashes, edit the ini again and remove the // from one of the lines. Save the file, run the game, see if it works, repeat with the other lines until you find out which line is causing the problem.
If by some chance that has no effect, I'd suggest installing all extra libraries from Microsoft like
Visual C 2005, 2008, 2010, 2013, & 2015
DirectX June2010 redistributable
dotNET 3.5, 4, and 4.5
What video card are you using? I'm using an Nvidia card. I'm not sure if Radeon cards work properly with the Helix Mod (what I used to make this mod).