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So has anyone come up with a way to fix the Jackal Tape glitch... I.E. where all tapes after tape 10 (boy shot in the gut/stolen boots) repeat the same tape?

Obviously UbiSoft will never fix it... But is there anyone out there who has tried to unofficially fix it?
Is there maybe a way to downgrade to a previous versions? Or did gog fix the problem? If so I may think about buying gog version.
I started over in my playthrough, and I fire up FC2 about once a week for a half hour at a go, but if/when I get to the point where the tapes apparently repeat, I'll let ya know of it.

FWIW, I really doubt that GOG fixed this, if it is indeed a credible bug. UBI is not likely to have released the source to anyone for fixing.
Post edited February 07, 2014 by doctorfrog
I just a few minute ago finished my first playthrough of Far Cry 2, and the "tapes repeat after tape 10" happened in my game. I played on Normal (not sure that makes a difference). My GOG install is named "setup_far_cry2_2.0.0.8.exe" and I dl'd it on Jan 18 2014.
If you install the FC2 fresh and do not allow the update the tapes are all there, that's the only advice I can offer sorry.
josephthediviner: If you install the FC2 fresh and do not allow the update the tapes are all there, that's the only advice I can offer sorry.
Would a GOG-purchased version of the game count as a "fresh" install? Or does it come pre-updated? (i.e. - broken).
I only have the GOG version (with its included 'Fortune's Edition') and I have no mods. Just plain old purchase on GOG, download, install and play.

I've now played it through three times (once on each difficulty); and the tape glitch occurred on all three playthroughs.

So it doesn't seem that my GOG-purchased version counts as a "fresh" install; at least in terms of the tape glitch.

Martek: I only have the GOG version (with its included 'Fortune's Edition') and I have no mods. Just plain old purchase on GOG, download, install and play.

I've now played it through three times (once on each difficulty); and the tape glitch occurred on all three playthroughs.

So it doesn't seem that my GOG-purchased version counts as a "fresh" install; at least in terms of the tape glitch.

Thanks for clearing that up. Too bad.
Posting to confirm Martek above, I'm playing FC2 v1.03 atm (gog version
I just encountered the jackal tape glitch too, seems everyone on the PC v1.03 has it since 2009 [!!!]
This is sad, it shouldn't be too hard to fix, but it seems Ubisoft didn't care in 2009 and 5 years later I doubt they ever do.
It's not a major bug and I can see that patching requires time, effort and money, but seeing "AAA" games abandoned 12 months after release (and majority of revenue collected) is not encouraging.

At least the Elven Boots in Dragon Age: Origins could be spawned with the console. EA didn't care either, but the community helped. If anyone finds some kind of mod, workaround or fix, please post.

edit: For sake of completion and for those interested in the FC2 plot, the jackal tapes can be found here
Post edited June 09, 2014 by nikmousa
I've run into this too. Only started playing a month or two ago. Does this affect anything as far as gameplay, or are we just missing the voice acting? Turning the tapes in to the journalist seemed to be a thing, but then again maybe it's just a way of encouraging you to find them, so I don't know.

Would be nice if there was a fix, but I'm not sure if it's keeping track of the tapes I get if it thinks it's just about the same kid stealing boots over and over... Jackal's sure obsessed with that kid. :)
Myxia: I've run into this too. Only started playing a month or two ago. Does this affect anything as far as gameplay, or are we just missing the voice acting? Turning the tapes in to the journalist seemed to be a thing, but then again maybe it's just a way of encouraging you to find them, so I don't know.

Would be nice if there was a fix, but I'm not sure if it's keeping track of the tapes I get if it thinks it's just about the same kid stealing boots over and over... Jackal's sure obsessed with that kid. :)
I'm not sure what the end-result of getting all the tapes would be, but - the bug does not affect your ability to finish the game. So there's that, at least :)

I think it's basically a side-quest that was added in with the "Fortune's Edition"; and even though it's broken, it's still fun to find the tapes up until then.