Posted February 28, 2024
Hello there!
I recently started again a few campaigns, one after another - I'm at the moment on a Mordra one, on Hard mode, which is going well -, and, because I usually spend at least as much time trying to understand a game's mechanisms, doing a lot of research, than I actually use up playing it, I took the time to browse all the archived conversations I could find. Pevel's archives were useful! The manual's not bad at all, but it still contains quite a heap of small oddities - probably due to changes during the last part of the game's development - and I don't own the Official Strategy Guide...
So, here's for a dozen of questions, roughly listed by theme, to which I haven't been able to find a precise answer:
- The Shadowlord's advantage. From what I'm seeing, he seems able to cast two spells per Turn, but is that all ? I'd like a confirmation, because I've experienced quite a few weird situations during which my troops suffered from Artefact spells despite being far from any enemy's (item) range. I remember vividly a unit being struck by a Sickness spell despite being far from the wand bearer. Much more than 3 hexagons... This never happened with Spellcaster units; only with Artefact bearers. So I was starting to wonder whether or not the Shadowlord had some kind of uncanny ability regarding all his units' (item based) spells. Could he grant them the same unlimited range he has for himself ? And, regardless, can I assume that it's impossible to simulate his ability while playing an Arena random match ?
- The Plague spell. Arguably not a great asset as far as I can tell, it seems deal between 0 and 3 wounds to all enemy units, but details can't be found anywhere. Is it a magical attack per se or merely a random 1D4 (25% chances per) effect ? Do magic resistance and Resistance to Spells ability come into play ? From what I'm seing, it doesn't seem that clear...
- Animate Tree. More or less the same issue... It seems to deal a (quite) strong magical attack, but does anyone know about its details or made tests to obtain a bit more information about those attacks' strength ? Here too, magic resistance and Resistance to Spells should come into play, but it doesn't seem that obvious in practice.
- Bless spell and Healer ability. The Unofficial FAQ's few mentions set aside, details aren't explained anywhere... Is the spell and the ability's base rate of success the same as the (25%) Amulet of Blessing's wound conversion effect ? Also, I've found one or two mentions about automatic (5%) Healer upgrades between each Island of the campaign. Which would mean a whooping 25% increase by the end of the game... Can anyone confirm this ? Last time I finished a campaign with Calis, I sure didn't feel like my units benefited from a 50% chance of converting any wound into a morale loss or - as the Unofficial FAQ claims it - a 50% decreased chance of suffering from wounds and deaths during the combat calculations...
- Amulet of Blessings, Amulet of Protection and Skirmisher (or Light Cavalry) aptitudes. With the morale boost set aside, the respective protection effects of the said two Magic Items doesn't seem that obvious or, rather, details are nonexistent. Can I assume that the first one matches Calis' Healer ability and the second one Skirmisher or Light Cavalry units' damage mitigation aptitude ? Can anyone please confirm that or clarify a bit their differences ? And, while we're at it, does anyone know (or has anyone made experiments about) the exact loss of morale mechanic involved when a Skirmisher or a Light Cavalry unit mitigates some damage ? Because if it was a rigorous "one (Morale) point for one (Wound or Kill) point", I wouldn't see those units retreating that often, so the ratio's most likely to be much higher than that, even when taking in account the Suppression and Retreat mechanics...
- Spell evolution. The manual mentions that Whirlwind's (Krell ?) character version, plus the Fireball spell - with no mention about a character there - will increase in power throughout the campaign... But that's about it. Does anyone know about additional details ? And while it's true that the Shadowlord's versions seemed a tad more annoying than Aelcar's - considering how much time one spends to keep his precious Sky Hunters at level 5 ! -, I never noticed an increase or evolution regarding the Fireball spell cast by Artefacts. I guess those don't evolve at all, which seem to quite quickly make them useless - unless you're only after experience. Lastly, what about the two other spells, Fear and Weakness ? And any other one, while we're at it... Can I assume that experience has absolutely no impact on any unit's spells or abilities ?
- Vulnerabilities (and Resistance) to Magic or Mechanical damage. Okay, I get that the "Mechanical" label concerns only attacks, while the "Magical" one includes both attacks and spells. That much, the manual does tell. But beyond that, does anyone know the details about those vulnerabilities ? I remember reading once - don't ask me where, unfortunately ! - a post which claimed that they applied a -3 Armor malus to the concerned units... Could this be true ? This would mean that the Vulnerable to Magic ability has consequences when hit by a Fireball or (presumably) an Animate Tree spell, and yet doesn't affect a unit's saving throws against Charm, Panic or Weakness spells...
- Link between Magic Resistance and Spell Resistance. It is still quite unclear to me how saving throws (or checks) againts spells work out in the end, as I never red any explanation about that... Does a 75 Magic Resistance value also mean, on top of its effects on Armor, that any spell enforcing a saving throw has a (measly) 25% chances of actually working ? With, of course, zero chance of affecting any unit equiped with an Amulet of Resistance and and only 10% chances against Magical units (or Shadow Warriors !) with a 90 Magic Resistance value ? Which would explain why Summon Banshee, Charm or the Wand of Sickness' effects fail to occur so often, up to the point where one apparently can't expect anything from them as soon as you play in harder modes (and can't really afford missed opportunities)... Now, I still saw units equiped with that Amulet of Resistance suffering from spells from Aelcar or the Shadowlord. Can I assume that it only means unlucky rolls against magical attacks, despite their 150% Armor values ?
- Building defence bonus and river defense malus. Those aren't explicitly detailed anywhere... Units located in River hexagons only use half of their Attacks values, that much is explained in the manual, and I may have red once or twice about a +4/-4 couple - regarding units defending Buildings (Towns, Towers, Shrines [?], etc.) or forced to defend Rivers. But that's about it, so any information would be welcomed! In any case, units guarding Buildings do seem much tougher than usual, so I clearly suspect an Armor boost in addition to the occasional "No Retreat" benefit. And Skirmishers crossing a River seem even tougher than when guarding Forest hexagons, but that may be a subjective impression...
- Clear terrain and possible Building specificities (Towns, Shrines, etc.). Now, apparently, only Shrines are considered as "Clear ground" for Cavalry units, but I'd still like a confirmation about that, as I still obtained impressive results with them against defenders located in Rampart or Turret hexagons. I also would like to make sure that none of them, in any case, will ever be considered as Rough terrain - for the sake of Light Infantry or Skirmisher's lives! Lastly, just to be absolutly sure regarding building hexagons' effects, is the complete absence of any specific benefit really certain ? By that, I mean any possible differences between Caves, Towns, Towers, Turrets, Castles, Citadels, etc.
- Skirmishers, Light infantry and Cavalry bonuses. Those three types of units' descriptions all lack a (well known) detail in the game's manual, but I'd like to be absolutely sure about it, since I only red about the full effect once or twice on forums. So, for the sake of clarity, can anyone confirm ? Skirmishers and Light Infantry will (also) benefit from a +3 bonus to their Armor values on Rough terrain, while a Cavalry unit gains +4 Armor points while attacking (and only while attacking) towards Clear terrain (and Shrines for that sake). Is that complete and correct ?
I recently started again a few campaigns, one after another - I'm at the moment on a Mordra one, on Hard mode, which is going well -, and, because I usually spend at least as much time trying to understand a game's mechanisms, doing a lot of research, than I actually use up playing it, I took the time to browse all the archived conversations I could find. Pevel's archives were useful! The manual's not bad at all, but it still contains quite a heap of small oddities - probably due to changes during the last part of the game's development - and I don't own the Official Strategy Guide...
So, here's for a dozen of questions, roughly listed by theme, to which I haven't been able to find a precise answer:
- The Shadowlord's advantage. From what I'm seeing, he seems able to cast two spells per Turn, but is that all ? I'd like a confirmation, because I've experienced quite a few weird situations during which my troops suffered from Artefact spells despite being far from any enemy's (item) range. I remember vividly a unit being struck by a Sickness spell despite being far from the wand bearer. Much more than 3 hexagons... This never happened with Spellcaster units; only with Artefact bearers. So I was starting to wonder whether or not the Shadowlord had some kind of uncanny ability regarding all his units' (item based) spells. Could he grant them the same unlimited range he has for himself ? And, regardless, can I assume that it's impossible to simulate his ability while playing an Arena random match ?
- The Plague spell. Arguably not a great asset as far as I can tell, it seems deal between 0 and 3 wounds to all enemy units, but details can't be found anywhere. Is it a magical attack per se or merely a random 1D4 (25% chances per) effect ? Do magic resistance and Resistance to Spells ability come into play ? From what I'm seing, it doesn't seem that clear...
- Animate Tree. More or less the same issue... It seems to deal a (quite) strong magical attack, but does anyone know about its details or made tests to obtain a bit more information about those attacks' strength ? Here too, magic resistance and Resistance to Spells should come into play, but it doesn't seem that obvious in practice.
- Bless spell and Healer ability. The Unofficial FAQ's few mentions set aside, details aren't explained anywhere... Is the spell and the ability's base rate of success the same as the (25%) Amulet of Blessing's wound conversion effect ? Also, I've found one or two mentions about automatic (5%) Healer upgrades between each Island of the campaign. Which would mean a whooping 25% increase by the end of the game... Can anyone confirm this ? Last time I finished a campaign with Calis, I sure didn't feel like my units benefited from a 50% chance of converting any wound into a morale loss or - as the Unofficial FAQ claims it - a 50% decreased chance of suffering from wounds and deaths during the combat calculations...
- Amulet of Blessings, Amulet of Protection and Skirmisher (or Light Cavalry) aptitudes. With the morale boost set aside, the respective protection effects of the said two Magic Items doesn't seem that obvious or, rather, details are nonexistent. Can I assume that the first one matches Calis' Healer ability and the second one Skirmisher or Light Cavalry units' damage mitigation aptitude ? Can anyone please confirm that or clarify a bit their differences ? And, while we're at it, does anyone know (or has anyone made experiments about) the exact loss of morale mechanic involved when a Skirmisher or a Light Cavalry unit mitigates some damage ? Because if it was a rigorous "one (Morale) point for one (Wound or Kill) point", I wouldn't see those units retreating that often, so the ratio's most likely to be much higher than that, even when taking in account the Suppression and Retreat mechanics...
- Spell evolution. The manual mentions that Whirlwind's (Krell ?) character version, plus the Fireball spell - with no mention about a character there - will increase in power throughout the campaign... But that's about it. Does anyone know about additional details ? And while it's true that the Shadowlord's versions seemed a tad more annoying than Aelcar's - considering how much time one spends to keep his precious Sky Hunters at level 5 ! -, I never noticed an increase or evolution regarding the Fireball spell cast by Artefacts. I guess those don't evolve at all, which seem to quite quickly make them useless - unless you're only after experience. Lastly, what about the two other spells, Fear and Weakness ? And any other one, while we're at it... Can I assume that experience has absolutely no impact on any unit's spells or abilities ?
- Vulnerabilities (and Resistance) to Magic or Mechanical damage. Okay, I get that the "Mechanical" label concerns only attacks, while the "Magical" one includes both attacks and spells. That much, the manual does tell. But beyond that, does anyone know the details about those vulnerabilities ? I remember reading once - don't ask me where, unfortunately ! - a post which claimed that they applied a -3 Armor malus to the concerned units... Could this be true ? This would mean that the Vulnerable to Magic ability has consequences when hit by a Fireball or (presumably) an Animate Tree spell, and yet doesn't affect a unit's saving throws against Charm, Panic or Weakness spells...
- Link between Magic Resistance and Spell Resistance. It is still quite unclear to me how saving throws (or checks) againts spells work out in the end, as I never red any explanation about that... Does a 75 Magic Resistance value also mean, on top of its effects on Armor, that any spell enforcing a saving throw has a (measly) 25% chances of actually working ? With, of course, zero chance of affecting any unit equiped with an Amulet of Resistance and and only 10% chances against Magical units (or Shadow Warriors !) with a 90 Magic Resistance value ? Which would explain why Summon Banshee, Charm or the Wand of Sickness' effects fail to occur so often, up to the point where one apparently can't expect anything from them as soon as you play in harder modes (and can't really afford missed opportunities)... Now, I still saw units equiped with that Amulet of Resistance suffering from spells from Aelcar or the Shadowlord. Can I assume that it only means unlucky rolls against magical attacks, despite their 150% Armor values ?
- Building defence bonus and river defense malus. Those aren't explicitly detailed anywhere... Units located in River hexagons only use half of their Attacks values, that much is explained in the manual, and I may have red once or twice about a +4/-4 couple - regarding units defending Buildings (Towns, Towers, Shrines [?], etc.) or forced to defend Rivers. But that's about it, so any information would be welcomed! In any case, units guarding Buildings do seem much tougher than usual, so I clearly suspect an Armor boost in addition to the occasional "No Retreat" benefit. And Skirmishers crossing a River seem even tougher than when guarding Forest hexagons, but that may be a subjective impression...
- Clear terrain and possible Building specificities (Towns, Shrines, etc.). Now, apparently, only Shrines are considered as "Clear ground" for Cavalry units, but I'd still like a confirmation about that, as I still obtained impressive results with them against defenders located in Rampart or Turret hexagons. I also would like to make sure that none of them, in any case, will ever be considered as Rough terrain - for the sake of Light Infantry or Skirmisher's lives! Lastly, just to be absolutly sure regarding building hexagons' effects, is the complete absence of any specific benefit really certain ? By that, I mean any possible differences between Caves, Towns, Towers, Turrets, Castles, Citadels, etc.
- Skirmishers, Light infantry and Cavalry bonuses. Those three types of units' descriptions all lack a (well known) detail in the game's manual, but I'd like to be absolutely sure about it, since I only red about the full effect once or twice on forums. So, for the sake of clarity, can anyone confirm ? Skirmishers and Light Infantry will (also) benefit from a +3 bonus to their Armor values on Rough terrain, while a Cavalry unit gains +4 Armor points while attacking (and only while attacking) towards Clear terrain (and Shrines for that sake). Is that complete and correct ?
Post edited March 22, 2024 by Zaephir-Moth