My order goes a little sumpin like diss
Fallout 2 - Some people hate the goofiness and the humor, not me. Granted, nothing grinds my grundle more than lame/forced humor in a vidya game, but I feel like Fallout 2 is one of the few, the proud, the actually funny. I do think though that this is where the series' plot started to lose its...tightness? I dunno, the whole find the water chip/fight the Master plot in FO1 is just so memorable, focused and well paced. Then FO2 clumsily tries to repeat this structure with the Geck/Enclave and a GUBMENT VAULT CONSPURRACY and it just doesn't work as well as the Unity thing from FO1. Plus the endgame is so blatantly rushed and San Fran
Fallout 1 - This game probably would be my favorite if not for the lack of control over NPCs, and the (mostly) boring sidequests in comparison to the main quest. It also is just too short, and doesn't really have as many WOW THIS PLACE IS AWESOME like 2 does. The best places in the game are Under The Cathedral and The Glow IMO.
Fallout 3 - I recently started playing this again...I've never beaten it. I always get burned out and stop. I think that while it gets a lot of hate for its terrible dialogue and derpy derp story, I DO think exploring the world is awesome, and some of the quests feel very Fallouty to me. The enchanted hats of +1 perception are lame though, and it's a shame the mainquest is what it is. They sorta take out the whole roleplaying element when they force you to be obsessed with your daddy.
Haven't played NV yet, but own it. Got it at release and decided to wait for patches...then sorta forgot about it. But after I finally beat 3 I'll probably start it. Haven't played Tactics, but after some good word in this thread I may just buy it right here at (smile smile)