kmonster: Melee weapons aren't too bad. The best weapon which doesn't use charges is a melee weapon. If melee monsters get too close you could push them back with melee weapons and shoot them from the distance afterwards.
Most useful is the small guns skill, the other skills aren't important, energy weapons aren't needed.
I like the speech skill since it offers a lot of new options, doctor is useful both for quests and healing.
You don't have to tag skills in order to raise them, tagging only allows to raise them earlier.
Consider lowering charisma to 4 and raising int or agi to 6 instead, there's no real difference between 4 and 5 cha, both allow adding 2 NPCs. You could even lower cha to 2, if you want 2 NPCs take the "magnetic personality" perk at level 3 or 6 which is as useful as +2 cha.