SirPrimalform: I actually have Fallout 'Classic' which I bought here many years ago, but my understanding is that I still get the same files as new purchasers. I can see there's a resolution mod baked in (which seems to work well) but do I have to do any of the uncensoring/restoration mods? The sticky about mods is woefully out of date at this point, both in terms of links being broken but also because it's referring to the old 'vanilla' Fallout GOG used to sell.
Goodaltgamer: As far as I know, no mods included besides the high-resolution mod High Resolution Patch version 4.1.8 by “Mash” Matt Wells.
uncensoring, this is the US-version (AFAIK ;) ) (Version1.2 according to the game itself)
For broken links: (latest version of TeamX is 1.3.5 )
Thanks for the info! As far as I knew, some later releases in the US were also censored so I wasn't sure.