xeno121: ... I played Fallout 3 and everyone I came across said it didn't hold a candle to 1 &2 so I've come to put those notions to the test.
Don't set your standards this high, you'll be disapointed. Fallout 3 does a number of things better than Fallout 1 (haven't played 2 yet). IMO, the places where FO1 is better is charm, meaningful stats, and nostalgia.
While the story of the main quest is FO3 may not be as good as FO1, it is MUCH more fleshed out. There is more to learn from npcs and reading. Also tranquility lane is awesome.
FO3 has more interesting NPC's with much more to say. All the NPCs in FO1 are extremely 1 dimensional with only a few lines. Do you want to help the good guy? Okay, do his tasks and he'll thank you. That's it. No one in town will treat you any differently. NPC's in FO3 are much more reactive to your actions and have more to say.
Outside of the main quest there is much more to do in FO3. Quests like "replicated man", "oasis", "blood ties", and "tenpenny tower" are all much deeper than any quests in FO1. They are morally ambiguous and it actaully feels like you are having an effect on the world. There are also many other fun quests like "stealing indepence", "reilly's rangers", and "shoot 'em in the head", while there are fewer ones outside of the main plot in FO1.
Another obvious difference is the combat. I think that both games are sub-par, with FO3's mediocre shooting mechanics and FO1's slow (and simple) turn based combat with NO part control. However FO3 involves much more combat, which some people don't like.
For there time I think FO1 is probably better. However, today there is no comparison. FO3 is the better game by a long shot. IMO, Gameplay, graphics, story (not so much the main plot, but overall) all are better in FO3. Not to mention longevity. FO1 is SHORT!