PrinceCola: Thanks for all the replies. I think it sounds a bit too difficult for me, but i think i will buy them anyhow, as i find the dialouge and story very interesting.
I have another question: How is being evil? Is being good easier like most games?
If you still intend to play start with Fallout 1. It is easier and your character will become quite decent pretty fast.
This is the build I used to beat the game. It is not optimal but it makes life easy.
% skills:
-> small guns
-> speech
-> energy guns/lockpicks
% tags:
(1) gifted
(2) fast shoot makes things somewhat easier but on the other hand makes battles less tactical;
you lose ability to aim into specific parts of body but on the other hand it costs you less action points to shoot.
Later on, this allows six(!) shots within one turn.
Alternatively, instead of fast shoot you can use other reasonable tags.
Strength 5-6
Agility 10
Intelligence 8
Charisma 4-6
Luck 2
Distribute the rest between endurance and perception
% Perks
Every three levels you get perks. The following are quite useful
- Awarness (lvl 3)
- Bonus moves (lvl 6)
- Bonus Rate of Fire (lvl 9)
% other tips:
-> a good tactics is to use your superior action points during fights early in game against rats/scorpions. Basically, swing a knife (or shoot) once or two and then move away. Your enemy will have to approach you and if you do it right then he will not have enough action points to attack you
-> make sure you find SMG. Initially it is a killer weapon. It has option to shoot burst. To use it effectively, move closely to your opponent and then use burst. It will slaughter your enemy unless they have a good armor.
Both these tactics work well in the early part of Fallout 1 and 2.
-> look for books to improve your skill which will be low (since gifted penalizes your initial skills). With the help of books and high intelligence you will be able to quickly improve your skills so that's not such a big issue.
Anyway, I am not an expert on Fallout (though I finished both 1 and 2 several times) so others may have better suggestions.