I don't know if you ever played the multiplayer mode yourself (I will assume that you didn't :-), but it's far best payed with people you know in my opinion. The game modes are a bit ... clunky is not the right word ... barebone I would say,. For instance, with my brother back in the days, we had to set a lot of rules between us to really enjoy it. My advice is that you try to convince a friend of yours to play because :
1) it's a lot of fun (and I really mean A LOT). Very unique experience.
2) it's best if you have a lot of time (having 'just a quick game' is missing a lot), so having your opponents physically 'near' can help a lot.
Good luck with your endeavour, I warmly encourage you to give this a real try. It can be a really great experience, I can't emphasize this enough.