Posted August 27, 2011
#spoiler alert#
I'm on my first play-through, was finding some of the Hub quests a bit tough so I went and did the water chip stuff, took it back to the vault and set back out into the world somewhat tougher thanks to the XP
Back in the Hub, Slappy and Harold no longer seem to know anything about Deathclaws, so I can't get teleported to the cave. What gives? :(
I'm on my first play-through, was finding some of the Hub quests a bit tough so I went and did the water chip stuff, took it back to the vault and set back out into the world somewhat tougher thanks to the XP
Back in the Hub, Slappy and Harold no longer seem to know anything about Deathclaws, so I can't get teleported to the cave. What gives? :(