Posted September 03, 2009

3 question for Rysa and the Team:
1) Can I run on GOGs Fallout 1 the Italian progect that translate the game in Italian language called "Progetto TIFONE" the file name is "FOita1.0.exe"?
2) I have a copy made years ago of the Fallout1 original game, my original copy was stolen years ago when I was young. I have tryed on that copy with Win XP Professional SP3 on a 22" 16:10 LCD with nVidia 7600GT to run the Fallout1_Resolution_Patch_v1.1 downloaded from the link suggested from Rysa. I still have problems with the black corruption of the image after the game starts in the cave, the screen becomes suddenly black and i can see the level design when the mouse path deleting the black while moving. Than the black suddenly comes again to obscure the monitor. Is there a way to avoid this black problem?
3) If I buy the game again on I will have the same "blackening" of the screen after the short introduction video with the old man speaking?
I ll hope to see you answer soon dear Rysa.
If I was not so clear in the text let me know. I am sorry for my english.
Thank yo in advance
Yes, the project Tifone works.
If you have problem to run the game use "compatibility mode" on win xp.
Post edited September 03, 2009 by greentravler