Yeah the TeamX site is down but you can still get patch downloads via NMA, have a look here:
for all the well known mods and here: [url=] for the FIXT mod downloads. For more info about the FIXT mod (which basically includes all the other main patches anyway) have a look at the authors thread on NMA here: [url=][/url]
Bear this in mind, if you're going to install FIXT then do a clean install of Fallout, apply that mod and that mod only (it already includes all the other ones anyway and more) and then make sure you patch it up to the latest version, 4.1 at the time of writing.
What I've done with my setup is do a clean install then copy that to another folder called Fallout_patched and unloaded a patched FIXT mod into there. Also note that the falloutw.exe file in FIXT has its name in uppercase, this might not matter on Windows but if you're running Fallout on Linux under wine then the new falloutw.exe won't over-write the original because of the filename case difference.