Summit: I got Fallout 2 installed on 2 computers. Both rigs are new and quite fast. The problem is that on one of my computers, when I travel on the world map, the whole thing goes too damn quick. A trip from VC to NCR takes about one second, while on the other computer it takes more then 10 seconds (which I find better because I like the whole traveling thing :). It doesn't concern Fallout 1.
Now I looked through all the settings and can't find a solution and it drives me mad (I know, I know i should see a doctor)
If anyone knows what to do please help. My life is falling apart! (OK i exaggerate a bit)
Timeslip's sfall. It allows, among other things, to set world map travel speed to setting you want. If you are using Killap's Fallout 2 Patch or Restoration Project it should be already installed. It's not the latest version thought and you may want to compare settings if you want to use latest sfall with them as there may be problems otherwise.
ddraw.ini file to change settings.
If it's latest version it's these settings:
;Set to 1 to use the fallout 1 code to control world map speed
;Controls the world map speed if WorldMapFPSPatch is 1. Higher values cause slower movement
In older versions it's these (now obsolete):
;XX ;This will change the physical speed at which you move across the map
;XX ;Set to 0 to leave at the default. (i.e. limited by vwait in windowed mode, or by processor speed in fullscreen)
;XX ;If set to something other than 0, it enforces a maximum fps on the world map screen.
;XX ;Changing this to something other than 0 is not recommended if you've already applied a world map speed patch to your fallout exe.
;XX WorldMapFPS=0
;XX ;Only set to 1 if your systems high performance timer is unreliable for some reason
;XX ForceLowResolutionTimer=0
;XX ;Set to 1 to enable Ray's patch to make world map encounter rate independent of your travel speed
;XX WorldMapEncounterFix=0
;XX WorldMapEncounterRate=6
;XX ;Obsolete, but can still be used if you know what it does.
;XX ;WorldMapDelay=0