kcallis: So after becoming bored with OOlite, I thought I would give my hand with playing FO2. I always enjoy mods ( I think I spet more time modding F04 than actually playing the game!) and since I would enjoy play a game on my laptop that doesn't require me to invest in a gaming laptop ($$$$), I would love to mod up FO2 and go to town. The problem there seems to be a decent number of mod for FO2 and not sure which work correctly or not.
I see the very first page, but it would seem that as become somewhat dated. So what would be a list of decent mods that function properly and would add to the enjoyment of FO2. For instance, I see F2_Restoration_Project _2.3.3, but a later posting suggest that one should install Magamod instead. What other mods would be in line for inclusion? Any pointers would greatly appreciated!
You can play both... separately. RP and Megamod somewhat overlap, though. Check out a list over at