Huskeyyyyy: I don't enjoy the turn based combat of Fallout 2 at all, I just want to play them for the world and story.
So is there a way to make the combat piss easy so I skim through it and not get frustrated? Like a mod or cheat code or something?
Fallout 2 starts off a bit slow, but after two/three hours or so it should be much much easier. I usually found that I just kind of had to perservere until a little after those mining tunnels with all the molerats.
The easiest gameplay longterm I think comes from being a pure gunslinger with the 'Gifted' and 'Fast Shot' traits, and where you go for the sharpshooter perk: The latter turns any shot that lands on target into a critical hit with probablity luck/10. So if you have 8 luck, then landing a shot has 80% chance to be critical. With 12 action points (needs
action boy) and fast shot you can then shoot the, say Gauss Pistol, 4 times in one round with 80% chance on criticals!
So a good build I think would be PE:6; IN:8; AG:9; LK:6 and the remaining 3 points distributed along ST:5, EN:5 and CH:5 as you like. Then for the rest of the game put a lot of skill points into small guns and look up the way to increase your SPECIAL attributes permanently ingame: ST by +1, PE +1, AG +1 from a perk and LK +2.
This wont make the game trivially easy, but from my experience it will make the fighting a lot more exciting and keep it from turning into a long drawn out affair.