mcfeher: The very first time I tried to use dynamite, I set the timer for 3 minutes because I was unsure of the blast radius. Also, my wife was nagging me to make sure I didn't blow myself up.
Well, I clicked the drop command and exited the inventory screen. Unfortunately, I immediately turned into Vault Dweller Mist. Apparently, I had suffered a Critical Failure of the Trap Skill when attempted to set the timer. Cue my rotting carcass in the desert. I still can't believe I blew myself up while my wife was looking over my shoulder.
Does anyone know if setting off explosives in Vault 15 will get you access to any goodies? It didn't work for me, but I thought maybe my skill was too low.
Nope, no goodies.
Also, I can't believe you blew prematurely infront of your wife, it must have been embarassing.