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Hey guys,

I finally made it to level 15. I am to pick a perk, but I can't see Bonus Rate of Fire in the list (please see image bellow).
I have the stats requirements, but for some odd reason I can only pick Bonus HtH Attacks...

Anyone could shed some light please?
Not using any mods, just Unofficial Patch.

Thanks in advance for any help.
scr00028.jpg (161 Kb)
Post edited February 24, 2016 by kojocel
Maybe you need small guns skill or another for it. Try reducing the difficulty to increase skills and taking drugs to increase stats and skills with them before pushing the level up button.
kmonster: Maybe you need small guns skill or another for it. Try reducing the difficulty to increase skills and taking drugs to increase stats and skills with them before pushing the level up button.
Thank you for your time.

Interesting is that I found nowhere info on this....
Anyway, my initial tag skills were Melee Weapons, Lockpick and Speech. Then at level 12 I picked Tag! and improved my Small Guns skill (as you can see in the image in OP, I got it to 101%), since I found it really difficult at times (robbers enounters on the world map, etc) just to fight them off with a Sledgehammer.
According to wiki, I need P6 / INT6 / AGY7 to be able to choose it. My initial stats are P7 / INT8 and AGY10.
My other ranged weapon skills are at 10% both.

I don't know what could be the problem.

It seems I have found the problem, but this is really strange! I increased my Small Guns skill with the APs I was saving for other skills up to 137% (thus with 1% more than my max skill at Melee Weapons) and now I can pick Bonus RoF.
How bizzare! I couldn't find any info on this - but it seems your ranged weapon skill must be higher than any of your melee skills in order to get it? What the...?
Post edited February 24, 2016 by kojocel
kojocel: EDIT:
It seems I have found the problem, but this is really strange! I increased my Small Guns skill with the APs I was saving for other skills up to 137% (thus with 1% more than my max skill at Melee Weapons) and now I can pick Bonus RoF.
How bizzare! I couldn't find any info on this - but it seems your ranged weapon skill must be higher than any of your melee skills in order to get it? What the...?
OK that's freaking weird and is the first I've heard of this too. Probably not that surprising though since most people who would want that perk would likely already have higher ranged skills.

So it definitely only becomes available as soon as your small guns skill is greater than melee or unarmed?

It might be worth adding this info to the Fallout2 section of the Fallout wiki if you haven't already. It should probably win some kind of obscure bug-discovery award (or undocumented feature discovery award).