Yeah, New Vegas is worth playing - you just need to get past the earlier parts because there isn't much difference from F3 in the early stages, as I've said in other posts. Even then, if you've played F1 and F2, you'll find a lot more references in the earlier parts of the game than you did in most of F3. When it gets going, and you start taking sides and determining the future of the Mojave, it's pretty amazing.
The problem I have with FOOL is than MMOs are naturally static things; nothing you do will ever change the world around you, bosses will respawn so you can kill them again, any kind of narrative they lazily drape over the grinding is paper-thin since it has to be redoable countless times by countless people. If something you did caused the death of an NPC, it would ruin the server for everyone else still to do that quest, so they're inherently stagnant and frozen in time. That particularly clashes with Fallout as it's often been about your character dramatically influencing the world around them, perhaps most prominently in FNV.