HypersomniacLive: Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes Changelog for Patch 2.4 (added 17 October 2018): Features - Dwarf Lord gains access to Alchemist and other special buildings
UI - Updated font engine for high DPI display
This is most likely a bug in the GOG changelog. The quoted update text is probably for Sorcerer King: Rivals and not for Fallen Enchantress.
FELH update should have:
2.2 Fixed the Beastlord's Tame ability
2.2 Fixed the First Aid ability
2.2 Fixed the Diplomat's Silver Tongue ability
2.3 Fixes an issue where Zone of Control lines don't draw in game within game (ie: if you load a game while playing).
2.4 Fixed an issue where custom faction abilities didnt show what they did.
https://forums.elementalgame.com/486175/fallen-enchantress-legendary-heroes-22 https://forums.galciv3.com/486735/fallen-enchantress-legendary-heroes-23 https://forums.elementalgame.com/491408/fallen-enchantress-legendary-heroes-24